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You can email every senator at one time by doing the following: To make it easy copy and paste all the email address below put them in BCC (blind carbon copy). Each senator will get and email and will not realize you are emailing them all at once. By putting them in the BCC line it will look like you took the time to email every senator individually. Before you send the email refer to my previous post the attached flier and put together some good thoughts.

Copy all the email address at one time. Open a new email and paste them in BCC. If you can't figure out how to get to BCC. Put it in the TO: line. BCC is better though. Do this ASAP!

district1@senate.virginia.gov; district2@senate.virginia.gov; district3@senate.virginia.gov; district4@senate.virginia.gov; district5@senate.virginia.gov; district6@senate.virginia.gov; district7@senate.virginia.gov; district8@senate.virginia.gov; district9@senate.virginia.gov; district10@senate.virginia.gov; district11@senate.virginia.gov; district12@senate.virginia.gov; district13@senate.virginia.gov; district14@senate.virginia.gov; district15@senate.virginia.gov; district16@senate.virginia.gov; district17@senate.virginia.gov ; district18@senate.virginia.gov; district19@senate.virginia.gov; district20@senate.virginia.gov; district21@senate.virginia.gov; district22@senate.virginia.gov; district23@senate.virginia.gov; district24@senate.virginia.gov; district25@senate.virginia.gov; district26@senate.virginia.gov; district27@senate.virginia.gov; district28@senate.virginia.gov; district29@senate.virginia.gov; district30@senate.virginia.gov; district31@senate.virginia.gov; district32@senate.virginia.gov; district33@senate.virginia.gov; district34@senate.virginia.gov; district35@senate.virginia.gov; district36@senate.virginia.gov; district37@senate.virginia.gov; district38@senate.virginia.gov; district39@senate.virginia.gov; district30@senate.virginia.gov;

Best to call and email.

Run through the list real quick and call each one and simply let them know you oppose SB 1280 and that you would like them to vote NO for SB 1280. If you don't get anyone leave a message. I know it's a lot of phone number but is a small price to pay to save our Fox Preserves.

Telephone List

Member Name District Party Capitol Office District Office
Alexander, Kenneth C. 5 D (804) 698-7505 (757) 223-1333
Barker, George L. 39 D (804) 698-7539 (703) 303-1426
Black, Richard H. 13 R (804) 698-7513 (703) 406-2951
Blevins, Harry B. 14 R (804) 698-7514 (757) 546-2435
Carrico, Charles W., Sr. 40 R (804) 698-7540 (276) 236-0098
Colgan, Charles J. 29 D (804) 698-7529 (703) 368-0300
Deeds, R. Creigh 25 D (804) 698-7525 (434) 296-5491
Ebbin, Adam P. 30 D (804) 698-7530 (571) 384-8957
Edwards, John S. 21 D (804) 698-7521 (540) 985-8690
Favola, Barbara A. 31 D (804) 698-7531 (703) 835-4845
Garrett, Thomas A., Jr. 22 R (804) 698-7522 (434) 944-7770
Hanger, Emmett W., Jr. 24 R (804) 698-7524 (540) 885-6898
Herring, Mark R. 33 D (804) 698-7533 (703) 729-3300
Howell, Janet D. 32 D (804) 698-7532 (703) 709-8283
Locke, Mamie E. 2 D (804) 698-7502 (757) 825-5880
Lucas, L. Louise 18 D (804) 698-7518 (757) 397-8209
Marsh, Henry L., III 16 D (804) 698-7516 (804) 698-7516
Martin, Stephen H. 11 R (804) 698-7511 (804) 674-0242
McDougle, Ryan T. 4 R (804) 698-7504 (804) 730-1026
McEachin, A. Donald 9 D (804) 698-7509 (804) 226-4111
McWaters, Jeffrey L. 8 R (804) 698-7508 (757) 965-3700
Miller, John C. 1 D (804) 698-7501 (757) 595-1100
Newman, Stephen D. 23 R (804) 698-7523 (434) 385-1065
Norment, Thomas K., Jr. 3 R (804) 698-7503 (757) 259-7810
Northam, Ralph S. 6 D (804) 698-7506 (757) 818-5172
Obenshain, Mark D. 26 R (804) 698-7526 (540) 437-1451
Petersen, J. Chapman 34 D (804) 698-7534 (703) 349-3361
Puckett, Phillip P. 38 D (804) 698-7538 (276) 979-8181
Puller, Linda T. 36 D (804) 698-7536 (703) 765-1150
Reeves, Bryce E. 17 R (804) 698-7517 (540) 645-8440
Ruff, Frank M., Jr. 15 R (804) 698-7515 (434) 374-5129
Saslaw, Richard L. 35 D (804) 698-7535 (703) 978-0200
Smith, Ralph K. 19 R (804) 698-7519 (540) 206-3597
Stanley, William M., Jr. 20 R (804) 698-7520 (540) 721-6028
Stosch, Walter A. 12 R (804) 698-7512 (804) 527-7780
Stuart, Richard H. 28 R (804) 698-7528 (804) 493-8892
Vogel, Jill Holtzman 27 R (804) 698-7527 (540) 662-4551
Wagner, Frank W. 7 R (804) 698-7507 (757) 671-2250
Watkins, John C. 10 R (804) 698-7510 (804) 379-2063


IT'S NOT TOO LATE to call the bill will not be voted on until tomorrow morning. It was on the agenda today but did not get voted on. IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY CALLED. CALL TONIGHT AND LEAVE A MESSAGE AND EMAIL. PLEASE WE NEED YOUR HELP! If you have already called, get friends, family, and other hound hunters to call. THIS IS VERY REAL! IF THIS PASSES NO MORE FIELD TRIAL IN FOX PRESERVES IN VA!!!!


Every foxhunter in the United States should send e-mails or call to ask for a no vote on SB1280. Florida was first. Virginia can't be next. I have sent e-mails and do not live in Virginia. I want that bill defeated because it is certain they will not stop with their (HSUS) campaign to ruin our sport.


Senator baker is for the bill He does not think what we do is hunting. Lets make him work for his money and fill up his voice mail and email 39 D (804) 698-7539 (703) 303-1426