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saline county

whos bringing heat to saline county

Re: saline county

better watch the car salesman from sheridan and jay brothers from benton they got some power

Re: saline county

local boys like pucket will be hard to handle

Re: saline county

Better watch those gentlemen from the N. East & George Boone from the south & I heard a Texas breese might blow in & take it all! Should be a good one, Oh yea Puckett will probley plop!

Re: saline county

pucket got a secret weapon

Re: saline county

Don't worry about that East Texas Breeze...... It's not a very strong front moving in.

Re: saline county

Puckett always has a cat in the bag, Jay Brothers has a fe
w weapons not many has seen.

Re: saline county

boys get ready monkey man from sheridan is bringing some poison

Re: saline county

Heard that Monkey has been wearin out them secret weapons of them boy's I done decided they must have a steel up in that desert they call a cutover!

Re: saline county

when jay brothers wins it all he will leave the tucker crew for good and join the big boys

Re: saline county

has anyone heard from the big boy in sheridan

Re: saline county

thay tell me big cody gregory has dave up sence cow doc dont train and give him brood gyps anymore thay say hes cooking breakfast

Re: saline county

he may need to get some of pucket and jays stock if he wants to compete

Re: saline county

whos jay brothers

Re: saline county

secret weapon from saline county

Re: saline county

I hear the train a coming, it's a'rolling around the bend!!! Toot Toot!!!

Re: saline county

get on the pucket train

Re: saline county

who is jay brothers

Re: saline county

Not referring to the Puckett box car. There is a new Engineer in town. He's driving the train. Toot Toot!!!!

Re: saline county

what happened to cody gregory down yalls way

Re: saline county

hes cooking breakfast he dont have dogs thay say he sold out r gave them away

Re: saline county

a good car salesman should sale gregory a dog

Re: saline county

word is jay been hanging around car lot something smells fishy

Re: saline county

Heard the car salesman & Jay Done traded packs with Kenny & Elroy since the old pack couldn't tree the monkey they been running, THe big Boy won't be cookin breakfast he will be eating it & has a secret weapon he's bringing. Cow Doc been traveling the state buying dogs trying to reload, worried the little runtling's won't cut it.I'm bettin on the gentlmen from the N. East to take it all home

Re: saline county

someday when i grow up i want dogs like pucket and jay

Re: saline county

is jay brothers where cody gregory buys his dogs

Re: saline county

dam i hope not

Re: saline county

jay and pucket is enough to deal wth

Re: saline county

someone from down yall way said jay bought a fast gyp

Re: saline county

someone told us cody found a girlfriend and that why he gave his dogs away think so

Re: saline county

me and cody broke up i dont know why he gave his dogs away

Re: saline county

at one time cow doc was trying to fix him up with some girl

Re: saline county

thats me im cowdoc stepdaughter my name is easter

Re: saline county

thats me im cowdoc stepdaughter my name is ester

Re: saline county

where do you think he gets all those culls from my daddy

Re: saline county

Heard thru the Grapevine Mid-South boys said they were coming to show them Grant Co. dog traders what a running hound realy was.

Re: saline county

grant co mafia jay and pucket aint playing

Re: saline county

Puckett will probably give his best one away before the hunt is over & beg for it back after the hunt. & JAy's (friends) will just trip him up! But he's trying!

Re: saline county

im from eastern georgia what kind of hounds yall run there

Re: saline county

fox hunter
grant co mafia jay and pucket aint playing

Re: saline county

whos the man to beat

Re: saline county

Didn't know the car salesman an Jay brothers had dogs to run in a field trial has
anybody ever ran with them to see their dogs really doubt either one is a threat,
An the car salesman boy lil Cody he for sure aint got nothing, might should watch
Mr.Brown an Robert Purtle

Re: saline county

im running 8 dogs and thay all came from jay brothers

Re: saline county

if you dont think jay has good hounds run with him

Re: saline county

i ran with jay and cody one night before cody got the girlfriend ester and jay put the hurt on spankey and puckett got sent to the truck to

Re: saline county

Glad to see the Grapevine pen going good again. Hope all of you have a great hunt. Heard that the Brown Spring Bandit was loaded and coming your way. Wonder does anybody remember him from the past. Good Luck to all of you.

Re: saline county

that John Hoehner was coming and he wasn't coming to clap.

Re: saline county

Herd cody Puckett and jay were coming to clap

Re: saline county

I still love you cody

Re: saline county

Wonder if Larry dial is bringing his powerhouse

Re: saline county

i think hes scared

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