
Official Website of the Foxhunters Hall of Fame

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The vote in the House of Delegates will take place Tuesday, February 12th at 7:30AM before the Natural Resources sub-committee of House Agriculture, Chesapeake and Natural Resources Committee. The sub-committee is chaired by Delegate R. Lee Ware of Powhatan. It is currently believed the meeting will be in House Room 3 in the Capital to accommodate a larger crowd. If the meeting place changes we will advise you. As always, please wear blaze orange! Please attend the meeting if you can.

We would like for you to contact by phone and email Delegate Tony Wilt (R-Harrisonburg). Delegate Wilt is a hunter but is unfamiliar with fox preserves. Please ask our friend Delegate Wilt to oppose SB 1280 and tell him why you support the fox preserves. Be polite. Please remind him that DGIF has extensive public hearings scheduled that will address any issues that need attention.

Delegate Tony O. Wilt (R) - House District 26 (804) 698-1026
email: deltwilt@house.virginia.gov

The calls and emails need to begin immediately and continue through Monday evening unless we advise otherwise. As always we need everyone to contact their local hunt clubs, friends and anyone that they can get to call. If you don’t live in Virginia but hunt here please say so.