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Tape Worm Meds ???

Got a couple hounds that may have tapes just cant keep weight on them. Ive tried equimax an 5 days with Valbazon also,nothing seems to work. Any new products or ideas wood help.Thanks

Re: Tape Worm Meds ???

Order those blue wormout pills from Australia they have 100 mg of praziquantel or zimetrin gold or order the green praziquantel fish tabs u can get those from Jeffers. Good luck and happy huntin

Re: Tape Worm Meds ???

Mark if you have used the equimax and valbazene in the correct dosage I doubt it is tapeworms that they have. You may need to carry one to the vet and check it out.

Re: Tape Worm Meds ???

Will safeguard get tapes

Re: Tape Worm Meds ???

Get Drotal Plus from the local vet. Get two for each dog and give them 13 days apart.