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Re: Juding the dogs of today

I want one of those speeding and driving dogs Chip. Never had one scored for speeding might get a ticket! Just kidding would be nice though.

Re: Juding the dogs of today

Gorock- Once you've had one, and know what one is really capable of doing , you will cull 1000 looking for another like it.

Re: Juding the dogs of today

You got that right hank. Ive had about 4 of them kind since i was 14 years old. They arent born everyday my friend. Lord if i knew where one was id own it somehow buddy

Re: Juding the dogs of today

Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool than open your mouth and remove all doubt. Its good that this is a majority anonymous post.

Re: Juding the dogs of today

My question in this totally ignorant discussion about pen dogs/trials is directed to Hunter and Judge...If you decided to pass judgement on the hound in question by quiting scoring it on the crossings that it had the front on, what did you do on those crossings with the second,third and subsequent hounds on the crossings? Surely you didn't score them as if the front hound wasn't there! I don't like cutty hounds but in a trial you can't become the sole judge and jury and just make out like the hound no longer desired scoring because you think he cut the pack 100 yards off the road. Obviously you should have just joined the gallery cause you don't know how any of the hounds got their position in the pack before any crossing. Hounds are constantly coming into races from all directions and as a judge one can only hope to score the front hounds at the point that he or she is looking at them and try to reward the points to the hounds(on game that you have actually seen) in the order you see them at that point of time (on roads,the woods , pastures, pipelines or whatever),not what you think happened!

Re: Juding the dogs of today

A good set of ears will teach you nore about your dogs than 4 sets of eyes. Usually the best field trial dogs arent your best dogs. They are the smarter dogs. How many times have yall seen a dog dominate 20 head but cant buy s top ten finish. Most of the strongest running hounds mentally cant take the big crowd. They wanta dominate! Most exceptional field trial dogs dont pay it no attention. The best trial dogs i ever saw was slide and howards maggie. Both would be in a pack if 8-10 dogs just running it like a clock. The other dogs killing themselves teying to work them big packs didnt score much and could hardly cast the next day. Brains beat athleticism everytime. Maggie would not let dogs cut all over her and fight with them. She got sonething she could handle and just cruised to victory. But pleasure hunting she was just an average dog. Paint a number in her and she came alive! I ran with her a many times. Just call norman howard he will yell u. You got field trial dogs and pleasure dogs and rarely is one both!