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Jr National

Just wanted to congradulate my nephew Jake Chevallier on his big win today at the Jr National.

Re: Jr National

David ,I too want to congratulate Jake on his win at the Jr. Nationals.You ,Patty and Chuck are to be commended on directing this young hunter in his early life. Foxhunting may be a dying sport but as long as we can we need to encourage our youth to pursue this great sport that we all love and cherish.Keep up the good work and good luck and good hunting.

Re: Jr National

Sounds like it was a good hunt. Takes a good dog to win down there. What dog won? Congrats!

Re: Jr National

I would like to congratulate every kid that was there. Also it was an Honor to Master such a hunt & to witness the work that has been done to pull it off, to all those involved A special thank you to all the judges & my wife for making my job easier, especially Miss Susan from the Chase & Eddie Wiley from Purina in the bench shows. A person cannot imagine what it looks like to have 30 to 40 kids in each class that are actually competing to get a spot on the bench unless u are there! So if you ever get the chance to go I promise you will not regret it. Also it seemed like at roll call & cast the 2nd day it was a little bit of a cluster but when it was over if you stepped back & looked up the road at all the trucks with dog boxes that was there & then looked down the road at the kids standing there with dogs, It was just an (AMAZING) site to see.

Thank you to everyone for letting Brenda & I be a part of this!

Re: Jr National

Congrats to jake on his win in the aa and Ethan winning the derby. We had a great time as always my girls are ready to come do it again. I want to say thanks to everyone involved who to the time to put this hunt on.

Re: Jr National


Re: Jr National

Where are the results ? Have they been posted ?

Re: Jr National

Have some patience on the results. Those people have been hunting and camping in this heat for the last several days,now their traveling back home and settling in. I know everyone wants to know all about this wonderful hunt for these kids. Maybe some of the hunters will tell us about day1 and day2 and who won and placed and the bench show,thanks in advance

Re: Jr National

congrates to jake on his big win way to go an to all the youth that placed an participated in the hunt

Re: Jr National

Congrats Jake and everyone who placed.

Re: Jr National

Who else placed?

Re: Jr National

Congrats to Jake and all the young hunters. Good job

Re: Jr National

Congrats Jake. Great to see such a good turnout. Thanks to everyone involved.

Re: Jr National

Who won the derby???

Re: Jr National

Lil skinny