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Re: Circle 16 Puppy Hunt

Not trying to get into y'all's discussion, but they should start doin this site like speeddogs and deleting your post if you don't put your name

Re: Circle 16 Puppy Hunt


Re: Circle 16 Puppy Hunt

Man mr hunter you just hating on everybody but I sure feel sorry for you if these guys ever find out who you are cause I'm afraid it's not gonna be a pretty site

Re: Circle 16 Puppy Hunt


Re: Circle 16 Puppy Hunt

Y'all about the toughest bunch I've ever seen on this computer lmao

Re: Circle 16 Puppy Hunt

When yall gone have a all age

Re: Circle 16 Puppy Hunt


Re: Circle 16 Puppy Hunt

Pork chop if our game holds up after this puppy hunt we may schedule a Derby , just have to see how it goes. And to this Hunter character , the people we don't let run have worked hard to earn that distinction , respect goes a long ways in my world. I extend it if its extended to me.

Re: Circle 16 Puppy Hunt


Re: Circle 16 Puppy Hunt


Re: Circle 16 Puppy Hunt