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Lockesburg pairs puppy hunt 6-15-13

2 class pair puppy hunt at Lockesburg, Arkansas on 6-15.
10-29, 13-29. You will have to have a young class puppy and a old class for each pair. 2 pairs per kennel. $80 per pair. Contact Kevin Smart at 903-824-1078 for numbers. Hunt will be limited to 18 pairs. Should be a good hunt!!!

Re: Lockesburg pairs puppy hunt 6-15-13

I think this will be something different and fun for all the winner will have two have 2 have 2 good pups two win should be great running and a fun hunt coyotes are smart so bring something that runs there game see yall sat at 630

Re: Lockesburg pairs puppy hunt 6-15-13

SMOKEY IS BACK......Who bringing the studddddds?

Re: Lockesburg pairs puppy hunt 6-15-13

puff puff give... No one talking to Smokey. Smokey thinks everyone out trying to goout and get something to beat hooch and swallow. efird too busy getting his blue prints together for new house. pen owner trying to keep from hitting finger with hammer n umpire. JE and Fox trying to get something to stay n race. And will the LIGHT show up........ Welch,, bring that brindle flash again.... Cox may or maynot come. DA brother sure hehas numbers, but probably tobusy WORKING. But no one knows where..........

Re: Lockesburg pairs puppy hunt 6-15-13

Hey Smokey DA im the real Bear step off by the way poochie u need gloves. Hey Smokey u need to step out the spotlite cause JZ and Wolfe isnt comin to clap and mutt and jeff been buyin down south. Who is cox and Tha brother never shows up so thats what they say up north. And tha Efrids they to busy breeding gyps with there new stud dog. Maybe Kidd and Shortstack come out and drive up memory lane o yea bllllllllllllllllllll fire out.

Re: Lockesburg pairs puppy hunt 6-15-13

I hear somebody has been shopping!! I Wonder Who Gonna bring some new stuff?

Re: Lockesburg pairs puppy hunt 6-15-13


Re: Lockesburg pairs puppy hunt 6-15-13

John Eric
Can you post results for us

Re: Lockesburg pairs puppy hunt 6-15-13

I don't have results, Kevin Smart does. .. 1) Kevin Smart, 2-3) Efirds,.... 4-5 Hoop n holler Not gonna mention anymore. lol

Re: Lockesburg pairs puppy hunt 6-15-13

Ok thanks

When is the next one

Re: Lockesburg pairs puppy hunt 6-15-13

Not sure about next hunt . give Kevin a call and see what he thinking.