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Re: What type of vitaman's/med's help dogs during a field trial??

In grey hound racing it says you can't give a dog meds. In horse racing it says you can't give a horse meds. The same for livestock showing. Ditto for heavy horse drawing competitions. In the winter Olympics you can't give a competitor meds. Also in the summer Olympics. Also professional baseball, football, basketball, hockey, golf, tennis, checkers.
There is nothing in the rules of foxhound field trialing that says you can't. Maybe the men who drafted those rules years ago, never dreamed that you would.

Re: What type of vitaman's/med's help dogs during a field trial??

Where in any rule book does it say that you can't give your dog vitamins, anti-inflammatory, antibiotics, etc... Not every competitive hunter that works hard at competing gives there dogs steroids and harsh ace drugs but it is my right as a dog owner to give my dog vitamins, med's, etc... if I want to because oh yea, I OWN IT!!!! You worry about what you own and I will worry about what I OWN!!!

Re: What type of vitaman's/med's help dogs during a field trial??

I finally got a chance to see if anyone's bashed my comments. I'm proud to see that there wasn't. No rules against meds was my point exactly. In the world of bodybuilding there are two competitions, in one your allowed to use whatever you wish "decadurabolin sustanon hgh masteron etc." and the other is performance enhancement DRUG FREE. I personally would prefer to go to a hunt where the champion was tested and another random dog selected by the judges who saw it doing something wrong in the field. A hunt free of meds would be cheaper on everyone in the long run, but it would still be nice to go watch the freakishly faster dogs from sports medicine. I didn't instigate this conversation hoping to band the way we field trial, I actually enjoy watching something compete to its fullest potential. I would on the other hand love to see both style of races. I think this would please, and include everyone, especially children!!!!!!

Re: What type of vitaman's/med's help dogs during a field trial??

Eric Emerson
In grey hound racing it says you can't give a dog meds. In horse racing it says you can't give a horse meds. The same for livestock showing. Ditto for heavy horse drawing competitions. In the winter Olympics you can't give a competitor meds. Also in the summer Olympics. Also professional baseball, football, basketball, hockey, golf, tennis, checkers.
There is nothing in the rules of foxhound field trialing that says you can't. Maybe the men who drafted those rules years ago, never dreamed that you would.

Never been in the Olympics, played professional ball, or any of this other stuff, but I do know a little about horse racing and you are mistaken about not giving a horse meds to race on. There are rules about what drugs u can use, but racehorses are definetly on all kinds of meds that are allowed. I'm not condoning or condeming medicating a dog just saying when you make rules and drug test the people that get caught will be called cheaters, until there are rules against it they will be called winners!

Re: What type of vitaman's/med's help dogs during a field trial??

Scratching the dopers babblers and roadrunners would help but people wont do it in these 3 hour puppy and speed and drive hunts

Re: What type of vitaman's/med's help dogs during a field trial??

Justin sharp who the heck is that guy i never heared of him but he must be winning alot of hunts its kinda like the internet if its on the internet and justin sharp said so lord and behold it must be true it works so ladies and gents dont run your hounds and dont cull. Just give them what justin said and maybe just maybe i can get my name called their seems to be more and more coyote hunters that are dumber than dirt and wouldnt know a coyote hound if it fell outa the sky and hit them in the face to many field trialers and not enough old fashioned coyote hunters all people wants is their named called dont matter how they get it done i enjoy sitting back and reading the ignorance on masterfox keep the ignorance coming boys i may right a book called coyote hunting for dumbings lol and iam the F n ing author lol sit back and read some of this garbage on here that. People Our posting and these guys are supposed to be hunters lol

Re: What type of vitaman's/med's help dogs during a field trial??

Kinda hard to scratch a dog that wants to catch a coyote for running the roads thats why dogs run roads because its looking to catch not cause its junk or doing any thing wrong judge if thats the case maybe they should scratch dogs that drill oil wells in three day hunts most dogs cant run 3 five hour days as hard as they can go its just. Physically. Possible that goes both ways and if people would keep the needle out of their hound alot wouldnt be mouthy and getting scratched

Re: What type of vitaman's/med's help dogs during a field trial??

I highly doubt that it was Justin Sharp that posted the above comment with him listed as the author, but to the fella scared to use his name commenting & laughing- you need to dig out a few older Hunters Horn Magazines or ask somebody that's been doing this longer than a year or two about Bushley Creek Kennels. I promise you Bushley creek Annie (Not counting the rest of his arsenal) won more than most of us ever will in a lifetime & I also promise you that Justin Sharp gave her exactly what she needed to be all she could be! I saw Annie Place & win in speed & drive hunt against the best in the South @ 7 years of age!

Re: What type of vitaman's/med's help dogs during a field trial??

Justin who?

Re: What type of vitaman's/med's help dogs during a field trial??

whats the recipe

Re: What type of vitaman's/med's help dogs during a field trial??

I don't remember ever seeing LMAO ever win HOY but I do remember Bushley Creek Rowdy winning it..!

Re: What type of vitaman's/med's help dogs during a field trial??

Hunter re-read your last sentence enuff said

Re: What type of vitaman's/med's help dogs during a field trial??



Re: What type of vitaman's/med's help dogs during a field trial??

What does dex do I thought it was just for inflammation?!

Re: What type of vitaman's/med's help dogs during a field trial??

Justin Yeah you won a bunch but we all could win a 3 day if we switched dogs with a fresh 1 the next day glad Rowdy was mentioned above prime example those that don't know Rowdy & his litter mates where super fast hounds if you wanted to 1 day day they would blow you out but 3 day they couldn't make it when Justin started getting watched Rowdy at the world cup in Jena that yr scored good the 1st day but 2nd day 1hr into the hunt old Rowdy came to the gate with his tail tucked & quit. Guess what hound world this was a trend for him after that because he didn't get to rest the 2nd day while howdy or wheel a fortune ran the 2 day like the did all them earlier hunts. Yeah he won the hound of year that year do to he had so many points already before he started getting watched. I always wondered Justin how do you make a 3,day champion in a 80 acre puppy pen ridge road classic feild champion !! What a joke but there was another hunter involved in that has big name in fox hunting he was just smart enough to let u go down for everything but people are starting to figure him out !!! Another story for another day

Re: What type of vitaman's/med's help dogs during a field trial??

Like i said won who knows. "JUSTIN WHO"

Re: What type of vitaman's/med's help dogs during a field trial??

Maybe he should change his name to "justin not to sharp"

Re: What type of vitaman's/med's help dogs during a field trial??

He had a partner in crime that everybody forgets about. Forgive but don't forget.

Re: What type of vitaman's/med's help dogs during a field trial??

This is my 1st post on here,I just got told this was going on & looked for myself,I don't know who was using my name on here & don't really care but I will say this there r Alot of medicines that will work & as for winning,I DID win ALOT from 1 day 3 hrs. to 4 days. I don't own a hound now & don't want any but if you no name cowards would post your REAL names I would go get some dogs just so I could run with y'all & show y'all what I CAN do & believe me I DO know where to get the dogs,how to get them ready & what to use on them if I need too. As for as Rowdy goes y'all need to get your facts straight but y'all need to look back I won ALOT more 1 days all over the country & how could you switch a dog in them but I'm sure y'all don't have the guts to post your REAL names or call me. THE REAL Justin Sharp 318-481-0630

Re: What type of vitaman's/med's help dogs during a field trial??

I never met you justin and what people are saying i dont care if i ever meet you but if this is all lies you must of pi$$ed alot of people and i was once told not to worry about what people think the way i got it fig if someone is talking about me they dont have much to talk about and as far as hounds go its not the same as when it was people go above and beyond to win the sport has changed alot over. The years so prove everybody wrong go get some hounds and lets see what your made of and why your so great of a houndsman and dont let people bother you i hope to be reading about you in the near future in the hunters horn happy hunting. Mr.sharp

Re: What type of vitaman's/med's help dogs during a field trial??

I had Heard of his doings but who was his partner?

Re: What type of vitaman's/med's help dogs during a field trial??

keep talking guys. there may be laws aginst some meds. so keep chating away.

Re: What type of vitaman's/med's help dogs during a field trial??

Too bad, dogs are not considered agriculture

Re: What type of vitaman's/med's help dogs during a field trial??

too bad pens are

Re: What type of vitaman's/med's help dogs during a field trial??

Ms.State ag dept.
keep talking guys. there may be laws aginst some meds. so keep chating away.

Well explain to us how fox pens or fox hunting falls under agriculture! Also, I sure hope that you don't work at the state department with grammer like that!

Re: What type of vitaman's/med's help dogs during a field trial??

I think you hit the nail on the head with this post! it's not that everybody wants to dope there dogs its just leveling the playing field. I personally think the dogs need lots of real estate under there feet, but it's not only about that anymore if you can't be your own veterary your not gona win an if you do ya better go buy yourself a lottery ticket...just sayn!