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Junior Nationals

First of all if you missed the Junior Nationals this year, you missed the best one ever. We had 139 kids and we cast 381 dogs. The running was outstanding both days. I would like to give a big thank you to all the parents and grandparents that took their time to bring the kids. Our youth board the best set of kids you can ask for. The biggest thanks goes out to Purnia. I would like to thank Purnia for everything they did for the kids. Would also like to thank Showtime for the donation to the kids. Thanks to Camp Story for the facilities. Guys, if you have never been to a Junior National load your kids and take them. Most important person I would like to thank is Melissa Bass. She did a outstanding job keeping everything straight and run smoothly. Would also like to thank Bill McGee for making the trip from North Carolina. Susan and Ralph thanks for the show clinic. Master of Hounds Whitey Turner for a job well done. A big thanks to the computor operator Brenda Turner. Appreicate all the guys that took time out of your schedule to come be a part of this with the kids, made a big impression.

Good luck to the state of Georgia this week on their Nationals. Moms and Dads load your kids and take them to Georgia.

State of Mississippi will hold theirs July 24 & 25 at Ronnie McMillians. Myself and my daughter will be in Mississippi. See ya'll there.

Once again thanks goes out to everyone for their time and effort. Carry your kids to a youth hunt this is the future to fox hunting!!!