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Boles Field Fox Pen Cast Times

Troy ask me to post this for him due to the summer heat cast times have been changed as followed:
Monday morning ( puppies only)cast 3am
Tuesday night ( open)cast 9.30 pm
Thursday morning (puppies only)cast 3am
Friday morning ( open) 3am
Saturday morning ( open)cast 3am

Any questions contact Troy Risinger

Re: Boles Field Fox Pen Cast Times

Kelly, what age puppies on Thurs morn and do I need to call and let Troy know I'm coming or is it open to any puppies?

Re: Boles Field Fox Pen Cast Times

Don, I would imagine under a year. When I get home I'll bring mine with you. Just let me know when you are coming

Re: Boles Field Fox Pen Cast Times

David, I have 6 littermates that are 7 1/2 mos old that are started now that I would like to bring next Thurs morn. Thanks.

Re: Boles Field Fox Pen Cast Times

I won't be home by then I don't believe

Re: Boles Field Fox Pen Cast Times

Obviously, you have more important things to take care of right now! You just stick with your family and we will get together after you get everyone home. Praying for you.