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Re: cast time for folkston

whos the predicted winner? I would say whos bringing the heat but that gets a little old!

Re: cast time for folkston


Re: cast time for folkston

Would say either Wayne Williams or Billy crews they looked mighty strong at the last hunt

Re: cast time for folkston

That dog that wayne williams is running sure does move good.

Re: cast time for folkston

C@f have a cpl that are lookin good that would be my pick or mafia...but everyone will knw after saturday i rekon

Re: cast time for folkston

Don't for get ol buck y'all know he is holding some candys he should be breaking loose any time

Re: cast time for folkston

You might not want to comment under those no names. Ronnie mcmillan posted a warning about it the other day.

Re: cast time for folkston


Re: cast time for folkston

I'm sure they will post em when they get through at the pen, get home and get their personal stuff tended to and settle down. Asking for results of a hunt at 11:33AM!!! Really!! They haven't even called em out by then. Some a you folks need to grow up and get a dose of reality!! Get a life!!

Re: cast time for folkston

Time is off an hour if you live in the eastern time zone so it was really 12:30!!!! GET A LIFE

Re: cast time for folkston

It was actually 12:33PM then, bozo. Do you still think that somebody that puts a hunt on has time to post the results from a hunt by then! Ignorance is a bliss!! I tell you what, post your phone number and I will call you and I want you to call me an idiot!

Re: cast time for folkston

hope they had a good hunt