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Re: Picks to place in TOP TEN @ World Cup

30% homers

Re: Picks to place in TOP TEN @ World Cup

Parker and Davis with zip zap and sparky
Mafia with Megan and midget
Jb with Leroy
Effird with legs or lighting
Those are the ones I have got to watch last couple months sure there will be some more good dogs there good luck to all we coming to have a good time and try to get some of bamas money back from Davis playing cards that he lost at the top gun lol

Re: Picks to place in TOP TEN @ World Cup

Boys pick who you want , ole daddy coming to bust y'all's ass , taking all bets Wednesday pm , come to my camper !!!!

Re: Picks to place in TOP TEN @ World Cup

They scratch for quitting at harrisville want be like at top gun

Re: Picks to place in TOP TEN @ World Cup

I'm going to get the rest of bamas money at cards bud you need to put him on limit

Re: Picks to place in TOP TEN @ World Cup

Going to say this.if gloria and raji.get rested up and ready for this trip its going to be own for u guys out west.if they are in top ten last day they going to make it hard on some dogs that last 5 hrs.not bragging on these dogs.just stateing what i have seen.this pen cant be any harder on dogs then manning or old 74.these dogs took these 2 pen with ease and got stronger everyday.this just my 2 cents worth.

Re: Picks to place in TOP TEN @ World Cup

I think Ronnie Cox is one of the best houndsman in the country , he has won in and out and in all the major events and I look forward to seeing those dogs as much as any but dang they are flesh and blood and in my opinion up against it after runnin a 3 day with minimal rest but get they prove me wrong. Lol

Re: Picks to place in TOP TEN @ World Cup

There will be a lot of good hounds at this hunt. There will be several good hunters! A lot of game . So it could be anybody's game. If the hounds that ran last week bounce back and place in this hunt ? You take your hat off to them ! I know most of the people coming . They aren't coming to clap!! There has been a lot of moving in and out of top ten HOY in last month . And there will be some more!! You big ones line up!! And little ones bunch up!!! Let's get it on!!!!!

Re: Picks to place in TOP TEN @ World Cup

Judge Teat I like your post the best, funny thing is no one jumped on your challenge yet, I like to pick and have fun, I like gamble to....see u wed at the camper

be good
Lenny Crowe

Re: Picks to place in TOP TEN @ World Cup

Ms.dogs , first,third and fifth.....

Re: Picks to place in TOP TEN @ World Cup

1. Effirds 2. Trey Bankston 3. Rodney Crisco 4. Fras Bro 5. Hemp creek 6. Camp Baker Mafia 7. Lakehills Knls 8. Jb 9. Frank Adams 10. Toby & Art Spurlock! La will have 5 in top ten!!!

Re: Picks to place in TOP TEN @ World Cup

See u guy leaving out ronnie cox.dont sleep on that gloria female.she doing in all the major hunts.more then i can say about some of the dogs in top 10.

Re: Picks to place in TOP TEN @ World Cup

Gloria has already out did the top ten in quality hunts she got her points in.

Re: Picks to place in TOP TEN @ World Cup

I've seen her run . She is a very nice gyp !! I picked dogs that didn't run in a 3 day hunt last week . Like I said before if they bounce back from that hunt and place at world cup. You have to take your hat off to them

Re: Picks to place in TOP TEN @ World Cup

Davis you gotta be retarded , you gonna get atleast one in maybe two. I'm gonna be bunching up with the little people lol

Re: Picks to place in TOP TEN @ World Cup

Does dogs have to remain in kennels the whole hunt and be monitored

Re: Picks to place in TOP TEN @ World Cup

Does anyone have the physical address to the pen.
Thanks in advance

Re: Picks to place in TOP TEN @ World Cup

131 woodyard road 39082

Re: Picks to place in TOP TEN @ World Cup

There big crowd dogs coming from NC and Virginia and SC and not single mention of them, several of them are champions and winners of pretty big hunts. I agree with Heath it gonna be blow out...we pulling out in morning at 5 am see u there're or be square.
Lenny Crowe

Re: Picks to place in TOP TEN @ World Cup

Lenny u know i didn't put that post. As u see my name has not even been mentioned to have a chance to place and that is probably true. U Can bet that post was put up by mouth of the south Donny Valentine. I will be there to try however win or lose get ready for a GOOD TIME.

Re: Picks to place in TOP TEN @ World Cup

Ten four judge, this is one of my weeks of vacation I'm looking forward to visiting and catching up with old friends and make some new ones I never been to McMillan pen so I will be able mark that off my list. See u soon Judge Teat...

That pretty good one valintine pulled on you. ..lmao

Lenny Crowe

Re: Picks to place in TOP TEN @ World Cup

Crowe yaw drive safe coming out ! Win lose or draw we going to have a good time!

Re: Picks to place in TOP TEN @ World Cup

Me and Mike Carr rolling down I20, bout to Atlanta.....look out we Mississippi bound....


Re: Picks to place in TOP TEN @ World Cup

That would sure be a Nice hunt to judge, I really like those hunts where you can see the Best run up close & personal. I try to stay from Field trial Paint and early morning Casts, sorta like Crack to a Junky, I want to go back to buying hounds!!! Should be a good Fast hunt!!!

Re: Picks to place in TOP TEN @ World Cup

Just saw this post. Man that would be impossible to pick.
I do got 5 I would pick to out right win it.
In no particular order
Parker/Davis (They are the ones to beat)
Ronnie Cox (Words can do no justice. DOGMAN!!!!!)
Paul West (Ain't his first Rodeo, bet you hear Lakehills somehow)
Ronnie McMillan (Hard to beat anywhere, much less at home)
Lenny Crowe (He is due boys, He is Due)

I'm with Charles. This would be one worth paying to get to judge. Gonna be an outstanding group of hounds there. Hell I will be proud of mine if they just get in the way of some of these superstars.HaHa

Any idea how many different Champions are gonna be there?

Now that I have bragged on all the hounds. take a look at that judges list. Wow. Man this thing is gonna be one for the books I believe.

Re: Picks to place in TOP TEN @ World Cup


Re: Picks to place in TOP TEN @ World Cup

Peewee I hope u right and 1500 sd go with it....

We got dogs in kennels and we made it to hotel fixing to head to casino...be good

Re: Picks to place in TOP TEN @ World Cup

Peewee don't get it. Hunt. Trail. Run. Fly. Swim. If it gets you to the front. I will take it. All about making that walk in front of your buddies at the end. Hey Crowe go ahead and win one of the Calcuttas with one of them hunting and trailing machines. HaHaHaHaHa

Re: Picks to place in TOP TEN @ World Cup

Statistics .

Re: Picks to place in TOP TEN @ World Cup

Come one come all, there is only one that can win first! And it dang sure ain't going to be none of you!!!

You all read it here first I tried to warn ya! Roll out the red carpets I am coming in with a head full of steam!

Re: Picks to place in TOP TEN @ World Cup

I think bucket will be tough with Calgary g

Re: Picks to place in TOP TEN @ World Cup

Good crowd showing up saw and talked to John Hoehner, vadon bond, ronnie cox, ronnie McMillan, lamar Blaylock, booty spraudlin, leroy neabors, George boone...Larry WATERS, and judge teat, dam good crowd for Tuesday. .....come on gonna be good hunt.....

Re: Picks to place in TOP TEN @ World Cup

Vacari, Toby or Valentine. At least you spelled my name right on that post above. We rolling out at 9:30 tonight. Ready to get this hunt started!

Re: Picks to place in TOP TEN @ World Cup

Scratched last hunt at old 74 didt he

Re: Picks to place in TOP TEN @ World Cup

We aren't 5 minutes into our trip yet and Daddy had to pull over so I could put Lightning and his kids in the cab with us so we could pet them one more time before one is crowned world cup champion! Be there before you know it! Turn your a/c on now cause the heat is getting closer by the second!