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Just like to thank everyone for there support just as Worm and Greg said its been a pleasure to be a part of knowing we raised over $80,000 in benefit hunts I know the family's have been really greatful look forward to the 2016 year to try to double it. One thing a lot forget about is the fellowship at the bench shows and the youth and kids getting involved and seeing there Picts on the web page.
Thanks again for a great first year


JW, I agree, things aren't perfect on CRHA rules and probably won't ever please everyone. In that being said, there are several rules that if I were the sole decision, I would change, but from conversations that I've had with other hunters, they would not be pleased with my choices, so you can't make everyone happy. As for as the hunts, I'm not aware of any pen being denied to host a CRHA hunt. Hunts were held in La., Miss., ALA., Tx., and Missouri. Some pens host more hunts. that's their choice, as long as they are not limited to a particular number of dogs, everybody has a choice whether to attend or not.
The theory of not allowing hunters or dogs to compete in hunts because they win, is unfair to the men and women who sacrifice their time and hard work to prepare for hunts. I've seen guys that complain about the cost of going to hunts or the price of dogs, while they have their coolers full of adult beverages, life is about choices. Most of the hunters I know that are successful in the one day hunts are hard working people, that choose to put in the time it takes to win.
As JW stated, there will be grade 1 hunts worth more points, than regular hunts. Dog hunting is an expensive sport, with pen fees, field trial entry fees and feed and worming, and maintaining your dogs. There will always be someone that has more time and or money than others, but that's what makes it fun and a challenge, to compete against the guys that have more resources than you.
I applaud the guys that win the big hunts, competing against them gives me a sense of pride, when i'm lucky enough to place ahead of them.
I think Big Creek, Tic and others have proved the so called one day dogs can compete with anybody, anywhere, and have prompted me to try and set aside three days in the future to test my hounds. Time does not permit me to attend the three day hunts, but I like watching which dogs can do it all. Good luck and good hunting.


You are right Harlod !!!
Sometimes it's not about the trophy or the Calcutta money!
It's about the kids involved and the people you help!
All I can tell you is , being involved in a CHRA benefit hunt!!
It will make a deference to someone's life!!


pee wee if your opinion is needed we will ask




I like the way they dealt with cheaters. They did not play there little games. They had proof an done it right. Good job to those on the board.




I love to one day hunt. My wife will let me be away 7 hours from her sight once a month and it is so great .I wish the cast times could be moved latter as my laundry and other domestic duties must be shifted and scheduled as to not anger the Mrs.Maybe cast at 9am.


As far as cheaters , there is different organizations looking into other issues that are more serious than worrying about a dog to old!!!!!!!