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Re: Help Sick Dog

Black feces is either tick fever or whip worms. The reason it is black is from internal bleeding. Possible that he injured himself internally. He is definitely bleeding internally. Hounds often break blood vessels when running but if they are healthy they will clot and quit bleeding but if they have tick fever the tick injects a substance into the blood vessel to prevent clotting therefore they hemorage to death. If it is whip worms three days of Panacur or Safeguard will get rid of the whip worms. Good luck

Re: Help Sick Dog

Thanks! Will it make one drink lots of water?

Re: Help Sick Dog

Sounds like kidney failure . This will cause them to drink lots of water. Not much u can do.

Re: Help Sick Dog

Oh no, man I hope not. I wonder what would cause that? Reckon she got into something while she was out? I've checked for tics this evening didn't find none.

Re: Help Sick Dog

Tick fever causes kidney failure, I lost several years ago before I learned about it.

Re: Help Sick Dog

Only takes one bite from a tick with the disease and sometimes it takes a while after the tick bite for the disease to develop

Re: Help Sick Dog

Thanks for the help. I started her on penicillin and liquid vitamins. I'll up date on her in a few days. But she did eat this morning. So that's a plus.

Re: Help Sick Dog

Not to long ago I had one doing the same thing and took him too the vet and it was kidney failure

Re: Help Sick Dog

Adam did the dog ever pull out of it? Mine is looking and acting better. Not drinking near the amount of water and is eating good again. Thanks

Re: Help Sick Dog

Jason if your hound is eating good and drinking water without throwing it back up its not kidney failure. One tell tale sign of kidney failure is a dogs breath will have a fairly powerful ammonia smell to it like cat ***** If the dog is eating it's gums are pink and the bottom of its eye lids are pink the hound should be fine

Re: Help Sick Dog

Eventually the vet put him down but he would get better for a couple weeks then start back dring 4 gallons of water a day he did that for a couple months before I took him to the vet and if you like the dog I would take him asap the vet told me any time a dog drinks a lot of water just being in the pen it's always kidney related

Re: Help Sick Dog

Thanks for all the info. The hound seems to be back to normal for now. Thanks again.