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Re: CRHA 2015 Puppy Champion 2cnd Half

All we can do is try to get better that way everyone will be happy. And we can all have 50 judges at a hunt and 10,000 dogs at the hunts and we can pay all spots and everybody can be winners. But if your post with no names at least get the facts straight because it was 55 dogs and 13 judges and I got there at 6 am we casted at 7am. And yes mr Bob Kelley and Kenneth had the pen in great shape and it was a great hunt.
You wouldn't be Asking if you had a dog that could compete you would have been there then we would have had 56 dogs but next hunt I will give out ribbons to all the ones who participated so we can all be winners
Thanks for the concern hope I answered your questions

Re: CRHA 2015 Puppy Champion 2cnd Half

All you've done is bash the crha since beginning, will u please shut up you don't even go to hunts anyway so y are u worried bout it. Everyone is throwing crha pup hunts so y are u worried bout it.. There is regular hunts posted on here that are not master affiliated there's also national hunts, crha hunts(which u seem to love and keep up with), afha hunts masters hunts all the above heck there's even a classified section on here where maybe u could get u another pair of big girl panties or maybe even a good dog.. But anyways could u please shut up.

Re: CRHA 2015 Puppy Champion 2cnd Half

Apparently that is where u found yours i got to check an see if they sell them that big to hide in or sence u are so famillar with it can u tell me where to find them wait I I don't need them I have no problem letting you know who I am thanks any way as far as bash it all I done was ask questions about 1 how is reg work 2 what does the money go to 3 an I did say there was a few things I did not like about it so u need to get your facts straight before telling me this I really don't thinks that will happen because the silk panties must cover the letters on that key board the spells your name. Thanks have a good day