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Re: Saline County

I haven't bought nothing. Ester don't use my name.

Re: Saline County

**** talking cowards using fake names.

Re: Saline County

Stanley Jackson that's exactly what they are

Re: Saline County

We called them something else when I was in school, but there are ladies that read this site I assume. I bet they're the same ones that cry foul when they don't place a dog too.

Re: Saline County

I heard the dial couldn't get in a race with those little rugers, heard they went to fast dog country and bought the chicken farmer out. Its gonna be a lightning storm coming to grapevine!!

Re: Saline County

Also not true. Lol but thanks for the report weatherman

Re: Saline County

Someone made a funny! Lightning? Weatherman? Geez that's original!!! I ought not be picking on someone that simple minded though. That may be why they can't figure out how to get a good dog. Now I'm starting to feel sorry for him

Tell u what weatherman, post your real name and I've got a deer proof gyp that is fast and tough I'll give to you

Re: Saline County

Cody I hope you didn't forget to feed the dogs again today

Re: Saline County

Most weathermen are wrong typically.

Re: Saline County

Stanley Jackson what is your phone number I have a question to ask you

Re: Saline County

If you'd post your name I'd get up with you

Re: Saline County

Up beat kennels is just another fake name imo

Re: Saline County

The funny thing is nobody has ever even heard of a Stanley Jackson. But if you post your number and I'll sure give you a call about your so called deer proof gyp who can't even run a biscuit if you throw it in front of her. You're a joke as well and I doubt we see that name at the Saline county.

Re: Saline County

I don't deal with folks who won't man up and post their name. Post your name and I will get in touch with you. And you're right, you prolly won't hear my name at the saline county hunt as I don't field trial. Haven't in 25-30 years. I run my 6 hounds on the outside by myself so I don't have to listen to a bunch of Internet hunters babble and talk crap behind a fake name. I hunt in 3 states and keep deer proof dogs. I do lurk on these message boards and this grapevine bunch talks more scared crap than anyone.

To this Larry Dial fellow, when someone runs you down its prolly cause you have something they're jealous of.

Re: Saline County

Im not gonna lie anymore,i really run by myself because my dogs cant get in a race!

Re: Saline County

I am weatherman

Re: Saline County

No you're not Jay, that deer proof gyp is mine.

Re: Saline County

I have already spoken to the real weatherman and he just picked up the gyp. She will be at the saline county

Re: Saline County

So who is bringing the heat

Re: Saline County

Not me i want be there till mikel calls and tells me if I get my picture made or not

Re: Saline County

Daddy I want to be a hunter but I've told you I want to be more like Cody I'm not taking care of the dogs

Re: Saline County

Daddy I want to be a hunter but I've told you I want to be more like Cody I'm not taking care of the dogs

Re: Saline County

you spelled his name wrong. Its Dagen

Re: Saline County

I think yall need to get your facts straight. Cody has almost half the dogs at his house and he's been feeding them while I've been in virgina working and he's been running them. So yall need to shut the **** up u no name *****s

Re: Saline County

I been in Virginia to Remember the old saying Mikey likes it. And try it you will like it

Re: Saline County

Ester has not been in Virginia I'm not into women I am a houndsmen I no hounds better than most people do if y'all don't believe me ask Cody I have taught him a lot so after all the joking around y'all will all see at the saline county we will place a dog just watch and see mikel is my name combine kennels

Re: Saline County

Who ever wrote that u probably fantasize about Ester that's why you use her name

Re: Saline County

i didnt no mikel was in virginia if that boy gets any overtime wonder who is waiting to spend it for him

Re: Saline County

This is the real mikel who ever wrote That about me not liking girls and that I've Tought Cody a lot . I wish you would use your own name u chicken ****. All u can do is hide behind that computer and talk ****. I guess your just jealous And don't have anything better to do with your life. Get a life u *****

Re: Saline County


Re: Saline County

I heard that it's was very likely that Stanley Jackson was a cross dresser ????😟 Heard it from a pretty good source but you know how rumors get started.

Re: Saline County

Two things I haven't done in 30 years......punched a man since retiring as a navy seal, and go to a field trial. The saline county may get me two birds with one big stone

Re: Saline County

That might do it.

Re: Saline County

Cody I'll be home in a few days we got to talk it over I'm spending to much of my money I got to have some help and you haven't been running the dogs like you should so don't complain if I don't call you to come get your picture made

Re: Saline County

Tony, we should prolly leave them boys alone.

Re: Saline County

Word is Mud Creek coming to blow the derby out and Efirds coming for the all age not only y'all gotta worry about the lightning storm y'all gotta worry bout the gyp that's been winning them hunts the gyp they call Star!

Re: Saline County

It is going to be full MOONLIGHT all three days of the hunt !! Sky's are going to be clear no chance of lightning at all !!!

Re: Saline County

U right Jay we done made that old man mad.

Re: Saline County

I know who has no chance at all tony p !!! He would not know a good dog if it jumped up and kissed him in that tight pocket book of his !!!!

Re: Saline County

Like always other people riding the coat tails of others so maybe they can get in the picture with somebody. Some of yall need to get off your knees and stand up and place your own dogs for once. Stop bragging on somebody else's dogs that could less about you!

Re: Saline County

😡 don't use my name boy, I know who you are. Don't make me drive from Abilene to put a 👊🏼 on your nose!!!

Re: Saline County

Jay you better stop

Re: Saline County

Wasn't meTHAT time

Re: Saline County

I ain't skeered of nobody

Re: Saline County

If anyone needs some help getting ready for the hunt give us a call we can help

Re: Saline County

We are looking to buy a good hound for this hunt all we want is get are picture made after the hunt we will give hound back thanks

Re: Saline County

I used to know a fellow up in the Sheridan/malvern area. Raymond Carter if I am remembering right. They called him turkey or something like that. I bought a dog or two from him. Is he still alive?

Re: Saline County

Cody I don't mind helping the hunters because your not and far as looking for a dog to buy you can do that I'm tired of spending everything I make so you can look good

Re: Saline County

Everybody get ready combine kennels will be calling everybody in grant county to borrow paint for the hunt make sure y'all have enough

Re: Saline County

jay that must be Dagen talking all that trash about combine. Or Anthony

Re: Saline County

Can anybody help me with the questions I asked earlier?

Also where is the closest hotel? I need to find a place to stay

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