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Re: After Reading the post about AFHA......

I have but not the ones I have been accused of lately and most of mine have been in fun

Re: After Reading the post about AFHA......

Dang Bird, how does it feel to be a Democrat?

Re: After Reading the post about AFHA......

John good talking to you this afternoon, good luck at your next field trial.
Hope you have a great year with your hounds.
Your fellow hunter Kevin Harris

Re: After Reading the post about AFHA......

Bird I am confused! Did you just admit your an Obama supporter ? You work in the oil field we don't like him!!!! Remember Obama loves America the same way OJ loved Nicole.

Re: After Reading the post about AFHA......

If y'all get anything from any of my posts I hope me being a democrat isn't it. That for sure isn't what I said.
Sorry suckers, lol.

Re: After Reading the post about AFHA......

Yeah I'd really hate to have to sit you down BIG BIRD and have my talk with you LOL (DEMOCRAT) LOL,

Re: After Reading the post about AFHA......

Yeah Bird the oilfield workers hated him because gas was going to $5 a gallon now they hate him because it is $1.50 a gallon. We need that keystone pipe line that might drive it down another $1 a gallon.

Re: After Reading the post about AFHA......

Just like a democrat to take credit for something they didn't do LOL no wonder this world so screwed up, got 49% of Iowa people voting for Bernie Sanders WOW !!!! At least he might let me keep my guns lol

Re: After Reading the post about AFHA......

Hey bird you might have to get Cuz to convert lol

Re: After Reading the post about AFHA......

You said that dead on Cunningham, lol.
Brandon I don't even know what Cuzz is, ask him? lol

Re: After Reading the post about AFHA......

Gas prices have fallen and will continue to. We could go on all day about politics. Point is everyone wants cheaper gas well u got it but you fail to see shipping cost had not dropped, products cost has no dropped.

Re: After Reading the post about AFHA......

See you are wrong there John I never said he was the reason prices came down. And I would like for you to tell me who would come get my guns and who would give them up? Myself Ray I wish they would stay around $2.75 that would keep a lot of folk's working. I want you to think about who control's them shipping price's. Bird they know you have just about converted just by your statement.

Re: After Reading the post about AFHA......

Wish gas would stay where it is!
Even the poor man can get a half tank with $20, and go look for work!
No one thinks about him!!
It was a mess when Obama got there, but he'll he's had 8 years time to see another knuckle head try to fix it!!!

Re: After Reading the post about AFHA......


Re: The no name posts....and an IP history lesson

All in fun for me Jeremy LOL but PS (Kermie) when you have 90 million people out of the work force and over 50 million people on government assistance and you keep on this track what would you do Feed your family or keep your GUNS knowing you how I think I do you would feed your family so there goes your guns And if you don't quite understand what I'm saying call me sometime I'll be glad to clue in lol I'm done Jeremy I won't bother you anymore lol

Re: The no name posts....and an IP history lesson

In cowboy country those not afraid to straddle the fence, usually don't have anything to worry about.

Re: The no name posts....and an IP history lesson

I imagine this is very true Hank. I remember when the Masters movement was just starting to spread on the scene, I was just getting back into field trials. I was a Nationals man and wasn't too much for the Masters. As time goes by and you keep seeing the same pattern over and over with that 15 point hunting score coming in the last day winning the hunt you realize, Ol' Fred might be on to something here, and he was. I don't think many people can argue that the Master's has bettered our sport in it's entirety. But, lets compare apples to oranges then apples to apples. Look at the difference from going to the Nationals to the Masters 15 years ago, man what a difference that was, a revolution in fox hunting that would eventually have to be looked at in a positive light. Now lets compare going from the National Pen rules, Masters, or Masters GTP to the "mirrored" AFHA, I say mirrored because this is nothing new, everything already exists. There is nothing to compare, the only reason for it's existence is the "elite group" said "lets just do our own thing, change the way a dog gets trailing and lets start a new world and do away the Masters, disrespect, and talk trash fluently, the Nationals also, we don't need anyone, we are the elite." I'm sorry, but there is absolutely no difference, nor any benefit in creating this "Mirrored" system (AFHA).
It made since to bring in the Masters. Other than some getting their panties in a wad because Ronnie is the owner and Reddot is the President, does anyone see the reason for the (AFHA)? The Masters has evolved into something great, and I bet no one ever thought the Nationals would have changed to help us pen-hunters out. The ones that are now the board on the AFHA are the same ones that made all the rules, reviewed all the hunts, and had all the power on the Masters. If the Masters was stagnant, flawed, or corrupt then that finger needs to be pointed at that list of names on the board of the AFHA.

Re: The no name posts....and an IP history lesson

I think Larry one issue in future of foxhunting events is the judging process the judging is the deciding factor period. Who is judging and who is figuring the scores I think hunters should be allowed to go with Or be paired with judges at any hunt anywhere anytime and have full viewing of the tallying of scores period in most cases it would help
Anyway because of lack of judges at a lot of hunts. U got a lot of judges using any warm body they can find to judge. Who better to judge or help and know what a hound is doing than the people entering them this placing faith in a single individual to judge by themselves and they being constantly on the cell phone with the their partners needs to stop u got certain ones that are in my opinion taking advantage of the system that's now in place and when they think everyone else is stupid. Numbers dropping no one respects the champion hounds no more that win face it hunters know a good hound when they see it and when one should be eliminated everyone wants to fix the system then focus on truth of judging and promoting hounds not owners I think masters is great but as all organizations can improve in some areas. But don't think cause a few get their bubble
Busted should mean running off and creating a new thing. Hunters need get back to the true basics and values of our heritage. I am a old man and understand I'm not in grove with younger generation as some might say but this is my opinion and viewpoint God Bless and wonder how things would change if Jesus was master of hounds at every hunt!

Re: The no name posts....and an IP history lesson

Anyone with an interest in history knows the National,over 120 years worth, has always been an evolving organization with no membership stockholders. The rules change through time to suit the whole group of hunters and not individuals. It is run by the membership and its affiliates continue to draw hunters in pens or outside and the pen system the National created has made many Champions.

Re: The no name posts....and an IP history lesson

The Chase is the sanction orafice of the National and it is run by stock holders. Which came first the chicken or the egg????

Re: The no name posts....and an IP history lesson

Hank my apologies if I used your post as a blank vs blank, wasn't intended that way. Of all the guys throughout my years of dealing with the leaderboard, you've always been the one I went to with questions. Nothing but respect from here buddy.
And Harvard please do not think I was down talking the National in any shape or form. I still support it greatly, both rules.
My point is between 2 sets of rules with the Nationals, 2 sets of rules with the Masers, and a rule for the July's I see no room for betterment. Between those 5 any person should be happy and pick a hunt complaint free.