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Re: Georgia Hunting and Fishing Federation one day May 11 & 12

Bobby Parker

May 2, 2018 - 9:21PM

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Georgia Hunting and Fishing Federation 1 Day May 11-12 2018

Well,once again its time for the biggest hunt of the year. Or at least it should be! It's almost time for the annual Georgia Hunting and Fishing Federation field trial. This hunt is held each year to help raise money for the Lobbyist that represent all the Hunters and Fishermen in Georgia. Let me say also, they do an outstanding job. No matter what game you pursue, or what type Fishing you do, the GHFF is your voice in Atlanta. Every Man, Women, or child that loves hunting or fishing, should support the efforts of the GHFF. Now is a good opportunity to do just that. Bottom line, it takes MONEY. There are many ways to help. Bring hounds to the hunt. It doesn't matter what kind of hound. Bring your best deer hound, fox hound, rabbit hound, or whatever kind you have. Cast them and just enjoy the day. It's not always about winning or losing. Sometimes you just come to have a good time. If you cant bring a hound, come and help judge. Got to have judges to have a hunt. You'll be in the woods and get to see the hounds up close. The GHFF will have hats and T Shirts for sale. Buy some, another way you can help. Become a member, or renew your current membership. Another way to help. There will be an awesome raffle, while the judges are doing the scores. There will be lots of great items to win, including breeding's to some of the best hounds around. We will also have a TT15 GPS Collar, and an Alfa 100 Hand held to raffle. Another way to help. If you cant come, send some money with a friend to purchase you some raffle tickets,or get you a membership. Another way you can help. So as you see, there are lots of ways you can help support this great cause. If you love to hunt or fish, or both, I challenge you come and support those that are working hard behind the scene FOR YOU!!!! It will be a great time of fun and fellowship. Bring the Kids, the Wife, the Husband, and let's have a great day in the woods. Doing what we love, and supporting those that make sure we can continue to do so.

God Bless

Re: Georgia Hunting and Fishing Federation one day May 11 & 12

Well said Bobby Parker and thank you for the support.

Re: Georgia Hunting and Fishing Federation one day May 11 & 12

We have had some step up and donate stud services on their dogs. Clark's Money Maker- Billy and Dewayne Clark, Gators Big Dummy & Waylons' Doc Holiday- Ronald Cercy / Gary 'Gator' Deloach, Bobby's Dillenger- Bobby Parker, and Kyle's Josey Wales- Kyle Ladner. We appreciate it and again Thank You for supporting this organization.

Re: Georgia Hunting and Fishing Federation one day May 11 & 12

Have added D&S Dandy, Night Moves Lonesome, and River Road Trouble-Jerome Rowe, Lake Hills Chili- Jason Eddins to the stud dog raffle. Thanks to everyone of these owners for their contribution.

Re: Georgia Hunting and Fishing Federation one day May 11 & 12

We have had some more breedings donated to the raffle. Jason’s Rampage, Teat’s Hero, Night Moves Dillon, Clint’s Santana. Thanks to Chris Oglesby for donating the breedings on these fine Hounds.

Re: Georgia Hunting and Fishing Federation one day May 11 & 12

Man, What A Hunt This Is Shaping Up To Be! The Support And Donations Everyone's Giving To Help Carry On Our Sport Is Unbelievable. I Can't Wait To Get There, Enter Our Little Junkie Dogs, Enjoy A Fun Bench Show, Watch And Listen To Some Good Running Saturday Morning Then, Buy A Hand Full Of Raffle Tickets And Hope For The Best. Too Good.