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Re: Sportsman paradise kids fun hunt 2018


Re: Sportsman paradise kids fun hunt 2018

The word on the street is it ain't no game in the pen . I was just curious before we came to the hunt .

Re: Sportsman paradise kids fun hunt 2018

B&H Kennel

I have worked real hard for months to make this the best Fun Hunt ever. Seems like someone wants to mess the Fun Hunt up for the kids. I can only talk for me and I have always had super running in the pen and had to sometimes come back to get my dogs because they were still running. I'm not one to listen to street talk myself. The pen is thick and dogs will have to hit the woods to get their game but every good Fox Hunter expects that from their dogs. This years hunt is going to be better with more fun stuff to do during the hunt. A dunking booth for kids to be dunked of big enough with $.25 a throw which will be raffled to a kid at the hunt. Also we will have two division classes in the fishing tournament, a smaller child class and a youth class with three trophies: most fish, smallest fish, and biggest fish for both classes. Pictures of winners will be ran in the Hunter Horn. A group picture of all children to run in Hunter Horn as well. I am trying my best to make this a wonderful Fun Hunt for the whole family to enjoy. I hope I answered your question and hope to see y'all at Sportsman Paradise Fun Hunt 2018. Thank you, Hilda Bacot