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Re: Hyperactive Kitten

Hi Lisa,

Welcome to our Feline Forum. It appears that Neko is a healthy and well adjusted male feline. This is to your credit as he must feel very loved and secure within his home. Thank you for being a responsible cat lover and making his life easier by altering him.

Although he has just been altered, his hormones are still quite high and therefore he remains a bundle of energy. There are several methods that I am going to suggest that may help curb his high energy level.

Does he have a tall scratching pole with a top ledge? He can use this pole to both play and sleep on. The location of the pole is also important and should be placed in an area by a window and yet close to the family's main room of activity. It is also great fun for a feline to have their beloved owner use the pole and play with them in the role of another cat. I don't expect you to climb the pole but there are many cat toys available just for this purpose. My son loved tying a furry mouse toy with a string and would delight my litters of kittens for hours by dragging it through the house. As he was a high energy kid it tired out the kittens and gave me a break by exhausting him. This would be great fun for Neko and would not only tire him but is a wonderful way to bond with your baby.

I am also going to assume that you are a working person and Neko is left alone during the day. He uses this time for sleeping and waiting with great anticipation for your arrival home. His energy has been stored during the day just when you come home needing some peace and quiet.

How is your older cat coping with Neko's energy? If your older cat is stressed you may consider the adoption of a baby just for Neko. If an adoption is possible Neko will stop irritating the older feline for play activity. He will also be preoccupied during the day and use his night time activities for sleeping or playing with his kitten. Rest assured that Neko's activity level will slowly subside with time. However, you must decide if you are able to allow time to solve his activity level or if you have the space to provide a kitten just for him. Please let us know what decision is best for your family. Should you select a kitten for Neko, we will provide information to make the baby's home coming enjoyable for you all.

Best wishes,


Psychic Feline Behavior Consultant

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Replying to:

Our semi-new cat, Neko, is VERY playful and simply extremely hyper! Neko is about 5 or 6 months old. He keeps running around the house and trying to wrestle with the older cat (about 10 yrs). He has just been neutered and is still going nuts! Please help.