1st #27 Frayer's Pete (Kyle Petey x Saucier's Sugar) 2nd. #72 Ebiarbs Lil Girl (John B's Handsome x Ebiarbs Annie) 3rd. #70 Ebiarbs Tuff (John B's Handsome x Ebiarbs Annie) 4th. #42 Chico (Conway S x Mary's Mandy) 5th. #98 Thornberrys Hawk (Thornberry's Dakota x Young's Becky) 6th #83 Bradfords Brandy (M&S Rusty x Sullivan's High Hill) 7th #85 Black Betty (Hartwicks Midget x M&S Ruger Hartwicks Black Betty) 8th #6 Pilkentons One Dog (Frasiers Bro Business Man x Cannaday's Maggie) 9th #22 North Creek Spoon (Ace High Buck x Unknown Fox Beagle) 10th #45 Kings Ol Smoke (Frasier's Credit x Frasier's Bounce) Combination #27 Frayer's Pete (Kyle Petey x Saucier's Sugar) Best Mouth #66 Dials Judy (Herrons Henry. X Herrons Pinkie) Classiest Hound #55 Simpson's Candyman (BTTB Gus × K-halo)
JULY 13th and 14th 8HR Judge last 4hrs Grapevine Ar
2nd was Ebarb’s LiL Girl 3rd was Ebarb’s Tuff
Colby, You got the kennel names you could post for leaderboard?