
Official Website of the Foxhunters Hall of Fame

2019 Leaderboard Grade 1-6
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Blue Springs Open
September 5th-7th
51 Dogs
Ad in August Horn

1st #51 SS Sipsey
Ch M&S Ozzie
X Sauls Cowgirl
SS Kennels

2nd #401 B&T Brandi
Hydrill Humpy
X Cooley's Snow
Brian & Tyler Prescott

3rd #420 Allentown Sandal
M&T Dynamo
X SS Slipper S
Allentown Kennels

4th #44 Ann
Godwin's Goose
X Godwin's Skittles
Dixon Creek Kennels

5th #7 SS Lemon
M&T Dynaom
X SS Blackgal
SS Kennels

6th #3 B&T Angel Eyes
Hydrill Humpy
X Dials Ruby
Brian & Tyler Prescott

7th #711 M&T Rio
Ch Kyle's Petey
X Henderson's Fannie Mae
Cross Roads Kennels

8th #781 M&T Jaybird
Ch J's Sir Bill H
X Henderson's Rose
Cross Roads Kennels

9th #87 Top Flite Jolene
Top Flite Clyde
X Macon's May
Top Flite Kennels

10th #774 Hardy's Girth
Ch Conecuh River Sniper
X Hardy's Wilma Jean
Springhill Kennels

Classy Hound/Best Mouth
#51 SS Spisey

#401 B&T Brandi

#15 SS Abbie
(Ch. J’s Sir Bill H. x SS Abigail)
SS Kennels

Re: Results

5th #7 SS Lemon
M&T Dynamo
X SS Black Gal