HGA Derby October 1-3, 2021 Blackwater River State Forest-Munson, FL 85 Derby 1st #85 R&L’s Mac Daddy Kyle’s Mr. Cash X Bobby’s Frankalina Full Draw Kennels, Fl 2nd #79 Ward’s Ghost Muddy Fork Jet X Green Branch Penny Ward Kennel’s, Fl 3rd #6 Dorman’s Reba Wises Screamer X Lil Pinch W Bama Boy’s Kennels, Al 4th #21 R&L’s Dillinger Ch. Kyle’s Petey X Ch. Full Draw Strike Full Draw Kennels, Fl 5th #5 SS Gia SS Flo’s Lil Jo X SS Black Gal SS Kennels, Fl 6th #51 SS Davide SS Flo’s Lil Jo X Ch. Full Draw Strike SS Kennels, Fl 7th #66 JMT’s Black Beans M. Taylor Fat Bean X Polk’s Cloud Full Blown/Running Late Kennels, Fl 8th #9 Full Blown Gracie’s Secret Lake Hill’s Big Handy X RJ’s Black Pearl Full Blown/Running Late Kennels, Fl 9th #92 Kyle’s Smirnoff Kyle’s Ace Liq. X Cades Skeeter Strictly Mafia, MS 10th #71 Juniper Creek Whip M. Taylor’s Fat Bean X Polk’s Cloud Juniper Creek Kennels, Fl Classy Hound #85 R&L’s Mac Daddy Kyle’s Mr. Cash X Bobby’s Frankalina Full Draw Kennels, Fl Best Mouth #92 Kyle’s Smirnoff Kyle’s Ace Liq. X Cades Skeeter Strictly Mafia, MS Combination #6 Dorman’s Reba Wises Screamer X Lil Pinch W Bama Boy’s Kennels, Al 96 All Age HGA All-Age 1st #211 FBK’s Sage Ch. White Cash McCalluim X Kyle’s Stacy Liq. Flora Bama Kennels, Fl/Al 2nd #611 B&T Junebug Ch. Webb’s Chilli Man x Boones Josie Brian and Tyler Prescott, Fl 3rd #851 Juniper Creek Miss Fit Juniper Creek Rated-R x Henderson Sun Juniper Creek Kennels, Fl 4th #418 Dorman’s Slim Frazier Bro’s Business man x Martin’s Tina Bama Boy’s Kennels, Al 5th #801 Blacksheep BJ M&T Dynamo x S.S. Black Gal Blacksheep Kennels, Fl 6th #818 Dixon Creek Slim Ch. Josh’s Tin Top x Kyle’s Shreader Dixon Creek Kennels, Fl 7th #319 FBK’s Eddie Money Ch. White Cash McCalluim x Big Creek Get Around Flora Bama Kennel, Fl/Al 8th #800 Blacksheep Snoops Floyd’s Whitman x Floyd’s Crazy Kate Blacksheep Kennels, Fl 9th #515 R&L’s Rocket Jackie’s Rock x P&B Jazzy Full Draw Kennels, Fl 10th #698 Bryce’s Boomer Ch. RD’s Jesse James x Polk’s Psycho Flora Bama Kennels Fl/Al Classy Hound #611 B&T Junebug Brian and Tyler Prescott Combination and Dual Champion #611 B&T Junebug Brian and Tyler Prescott Best Mouth #211 FBK’s Sage Flora Bama Kennel