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Wal Mart shame on you

got this from http://theintelhub.com/2012/07/05/is-wal-mart-destroying-america-20-facts-about-wal-mart-that-will-absolutely-shock-you/

America absolutely loves Wal-Mart. 100 million customers visit Wal-Mart every single week in this country. But is Wal-Mart good for America?

That is a question that most people never stop and ask. Most of us love shopping in big, clean stores that are packed with super cheap merchandise, but the truth is that Wal-Mart is destroying America in a lot of ways.

As you will see below, Wal-Mart has destroyed tens of thousands of small businesses and countless manufacturing jobs over the past couple of decades.

Wal-Mart has become a gigantic retail behemoth that sells five times more stuff than any other retailer in the United States.

Unfortunately, about 85 percent of all the stuff sold at Wal-Mart is made overseas.

What that is costing the U.S. economy in terms of lost jobs and lost revenue is incalculable. But Wal-Mart is a perfect example of where our economic system is headed.

Our economy is becoming completely and totally dominated by highly centralized monolithic predator corporations that ruthlessly crush all competition and that will stoop to just about anything in order to cut costs.

In the future, will we all be working for gigantic communal entities that funnel all of the wealth and economic rewards to a very tiny elite?

That sounds very much like how communist China works, and red-blooded Americans should want no part of that.

America is supposed to be about free enterprise and competition and working together to build up this country, and Wal-Mart is destroying all of that.

The following are 20 facts about Wal-Mart that will absolutely shock you….

#1 The average U.S. family now spends more than $4000 a year at Wal-Mart.

#2 In 2010, Wal-Mart had revenues of 421 billion dollars. That amount was greater than the GDP of 170 different countries including Norway, Venezuela and the United Arab Emirates.

#3 If Wal-Mart was a nation, it would have the 23rd largest GDP in the world.

#4 Wal-Mart now sells more groceries than anyone else in America does. In the United States today, one out of every four grocery dollars is spent at Wal-Mart.

#5 Amazingly, 100 million customers shop at Wal-Mart every single week.

#6 Wal-Mart has opened more than 1,100 ”supercenters” since 2005 alone.

#7 Today, Wal-Mart has more than 2 million employees.

#8 If Wal-Mart was an army, it would be the second largest military on the planet behind China.

#9 Wal-Mart is the largest employer in 25 different U.S. states.

#10 According to the Economic Policy Institute, trade between Wal-Mart and China resulted in the loss of 133,000 manufacturing jobs in the United States between 2001 and 2006.

#11 The CEO of Wal-Mart makes more in a single hour than a full-time Wal-Mart associate makes in an entire year.

#12 Tens of thousands of Wal-Mart employees and their children are enrolled in Medicaid and are dependent on the government for healthcare.

#13 Between 2001 and 2007, the value of products that Wal-Mart imported from China grew from $9 billion to $27 billion.

#14 Sadly, about 85 percent of all the products sold at Wal-Mart are made outside of the United States.

#15 It is being reported that about 80 percent of all Wal-Mart suppliers are in China at this point.

#16 Amazingly, 96 percent of all Americans now live within 20 miles of a Wal-Mart.

#17 The number of “independent retailers” in the United States declined by 60,000 between 1992 and 2007.

#18 According to the Center for Responsive Politics, Wal-Mart spent 7.8 million dollars on political lobbying during 2011. That number does not even include campaign contributions.

#19 Today, Wal-Mart has five times the sales of the second largest U.S. retailer (Costco).

#20 The combined net worth of six members of the Walton family is roughly equal to the combined net worth of thepoorest 30 percent of all Americans.

All over the country, independent retailers are going out of business because they cannot compete with Wal-Mart and their super cheap Chinese products. Often communities will give Wal-Mart huge tax breaks just to move in to their areas. But what many communities don’t take into account is that the introduction of a Wal-Mart is often absolutely devastating to small businesses….

A study of small and rural towns in Iowa showed lost sales for local businesses ranging from -17.2% in small towns to -61.4% in rural areas, amounting to a total dollar loss of $2.46 BILLION over a 13-year period.

When we buy stuff made by people working for slave labor wages in China, we destroy good paying American jobsand we make America poorer. This is a point that I have tried to make over and over.

Wal-Mart often tells one thing to the public and then does another thing in private. Sadly, the truth is that Wal-Mart does not care about U.S. manufacturing jobs. Wal-Mart just wants to get products as cheaply as they possibly can, and most of the time that means getting them from China.

Just check out this first-hand testimony from an 81-year-old retired apparel manufacturer….

I was president of the Southwestern Apparel Manufacturers Association. There was a meeting sometime between 1985 and 1990. Walmart had contacted our organization and asked if they could meet with us at our beautiful Apparel Mart we had here in Dallas, which has now been razed, because all the independent merchants don’t exist that used to come to it. Two people from Walmart came down and they said they were going to be sourcing goods from overseas and we would have to meet those prices for consumer products and to get ready for it—we are going to be sourcing the world. Walmart was the only company that came out and said this.

It was sort of shocking: I was selling them some merchandise at the time. On the back of their trucks it was saying “Bring it Back to America!” They had the big “keep it in America” program going at that time on the big signs in the stores. Meanwhile when I reminded the buyer of that, she told me, “that is just for domestic consumption, we’re going to buy at the cheapest we can anywhere on earth.”

As I have written about previously, the United States has lost more than 56,000 manufacturing facilities since 2001.

We are losing millions of good jobs that cannot be replaced. If you can believe it, the United States has actually lost an average of about 50,000 manufacturing jobs a month since China joined the World Trade Organization in 2001.

Last year, the U.S. trade deficit with China was the biggest trade deficit that one nation has had with another nation in the history of the world, and Wal-Mart played a huge role in that.

In fact, Wal-Mart has actually been forcing some U.S. manufacturers to pack up and move overseas. The following is from a recent article by Amy Traub….

Walmart’s market power is so immense that the even the largest suppliers must comply with its demands for lower and lower prices because they cannot afford to have their goods taken off its shelves. Companies that used to manufacture products in the United States, from Levi’s jeans to lock maker Master Lock, were pressured to shut their U.S. factories and moved manufacturing abroad to meet Walmart’s demand for low prices.

Unfortunately, the vast wealth that Wal-Mart is sucking out of our communities is not put back into our communities.

The profits are funneled out to Wal-Mart executives and shareholders. We may enjoy the low prices, but very little of the money that we give to Wal-Mart gets recycled in our local areas.

In the old days, you could actually support a family selling electronics or running a general store. But you can’t support a family working at Wal-Mart.

The vast majority of the jobs that Wal-Mart creates are very low paying. Large numbers of Wal-Mart employees are actually on welfare, and this is part of the reason why we have seen such an explosion in the number of the working poor in America.

At this point, more than 40 percent of all jobs in America are low wage jobs and the middle class is rapidly disappearing.

If we do not support American jobs and American manufacturers they will continue to go away and the welfare rolls in this country will continue to explode.

There is not going to be any prosperity in this country without jobs. Unfortunately, most Americans simply do not understand how good jobs are being systematically destroyed in America every single day.

The path that America is headed on today is only going to end in complete and total disaster. We are being transformed from a wealthy nation into a poor nation.

In the end, we will be dominated by a very tiny elite and everyone else will either be among the working poor or will be totally dependent on the government.

Our system is supposed to be about open, honest competition. But that is not what Wal-Mart is about. Wal-Mart is about crushing small businesses and manufacturers here in America and getting us all to buy their super cheap Chinese-made goods.

Shame on Wal-Mart. They are an un-American disgrace.

So what do all of you think about Wal-Mart? Please feel free to post a comment with your thoughts below….

Re: Wal Mart shame on you

Third paragraph down after fact #20 you talk about wal-mart making our country poorer, i agree. Same goes with hiring so many MEXICANS they work so cheap because there is only 10 to 15 living in one house,and working cheap causes us to have to lower our price and in return we get poorer just like their country. IM FREAKING TIRED OF IT BUT IM TO POOR TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT.

Re: Wal Mart shame on you

Re: Wal Mart shame on you

Wal mart is a anti union rat hole.I'm anti Wal mart have been always will be.the only thing they are good for is selling goverment cheese so the rats don't starve.people amaze me shopping at this **** hole.very good post to bad when all the real stores close and most Americans are buying there overseas garbage take it back and see if they can fix it.

Re: Wal Mart shame on you

Steve being anti union is not a bad thing. when unions are anti company and the company is the one paying your wages. I'm in NO WAY supporting Wal Mart I try hard to buy American when ever possible but it is getting harder all the time.

Re: Wal Mart shame on you

. You may be correct and are very much are entitled to your opionion but let me ask you this the unions have set standards by that I meen 5 day work weeks and overtime most non union companys work their help into the ground without any overtime and most important no form off annunity or pensions for retirement.and most important no insurance programs that cover what most middle class ass bustin people need.and there are other stores that sell American products.my mother god bless her worked for rat mart for 16 years I know what they put there employees threw.its Americas fault for supporting Wal mart as many support Obama too I pray god can help America.

Re: Wal Mart shame on you

How did Wal-Mart treat your mother?

Re: Wal Mart shame on you

Call me and I will explain this isn't Facebook as I don't post family matters on any forum.309 712 4579

Re: Wal Mart shame on you

It is easy to blame Wal-Mart for problems of losing small companies, but the same thing is happening in every industry. Just a few examples: Swine,chicken,turkey,beef and farming in general. All these are controled by large companies and they are getting bigger. In the south When I grew up everybody I new hauled pulpwood, now you have to be big time to do it. Wal-Mart is just the one seen the most. Every industry is doing the same thing. I am not saying I agree with it. It will take a change in laws to change this trend.

Re: Wal Mart shame on you

Tried to make rat mart union but to many other rats out there!! Everyone needs to realize UNIONS are what made this country and until we FORCE every company to be UNION we will continue to see the AMERCIAN DREAM get farther and farther away!!!!

Re: Wal Mart shame on you

I always thought the American way was the harder you worked the more you made.But maybe now it is everyone make the same no matter what you do except the top leaders they get what ever they vote in for themselves! SOUND FAMILIAR?????

Re: Wal Mart shame on you


I don't do facebook! Since you posted the statement, I thought you might elaborate. Sorry if I asked a personal question. Any way, its none of my business.

Re: Wal Mart shame on you

Tried You want to give the government all that power To MAKE a company put up with Lazy azz covering dead beats.No company wants to fire productive employees That don't make any sense now does it? Then you wonder why did those bad rich people take their company over seas. WAKE UP

Re: Wal Mart shame on you

The unions did to themselves I've tried for 15 years to join a boilermaker local and their response is we aren't selling any books or you don't know anybody. So they made their. Ed with me. I work Non-Union in refineries since graduating high school as a boilermaker and never not been paid over time. It's a federal law after 40 is time and a half and some companies are double time. And in supervision we normally work 7-14's so I get plenty of overtime.

Re: Wal Mart shame on you

Mr.jimmy I won't say unions are perfect god knows I would be lying...lol unions don't or shouldn't sell everyone who wants to join or buy a book in they may have 100 's of other members out of work etc. I don't always agree with it and someone of your exsperience should be able and I'm not knocking that you work your tail off I'm knocking the people who support Wal mart that may drive a few miles around a iga,kroger or other grocery store to save a penny??? And jermey know offense taking.

Re: Wal Mart shame on you

Steve, I have done come to the conclusion that you can't explain nothing to someone who thinks they know everything and is not willing to study the fact's. Now I will agree with some of these people when they say Unions hurt themselves by not taking anyone who wanted to join. Thats because they were acting like the majority of Repubs today, (all for me and if I don't know you to hell with you), better known as GREED. I know for sure they have learned thier lessons. Some of you on hear could take a little time and study the History of Organized labor and you might understand were Steve and myself come from. Union since 1986, I B E W L.U. 903 Gulfport Ms. By the way Walmart was not that bad until SAM WALTON died and his greedy children took over. But I really don't blame wal mart because no one has ever made me go in there to purchase anything. How many of you check your merchandise to see if it's made in AMERICA,

ALLAMERICANCLOTHING.com check them out.

Re: Wal Mart shame on you

i know there is not alot of anything that is strickly made here in the usa!! I do know that my uncle worked for a factory and before he retired they were importing alot of stuff and putting in a box that said made in usa it didnt state what was made in the usa! The box was actually made here and parts from over seas so how can anyone ever know what is and what isnt!1

Re: Wal Mart shame on you


Re: Wal Mart shame on you

Mr Fact you are right because it is getting so very hard for a company to FIRE the dead beats. With all the bleeding hearts out there. Every time we let some one go you know it's not if but when will the Lawers be calling.

Re: Wal Mart shame on you

Just my opinion, but if unions are the answer, we are in trouble as a country. I understand the need for a union way back when, but in today's world, with all the labor laws, some of you are fooling yourself. You have to jump through hoops to fire someone today, especially if they are a minority, for example. With a union, I don't see where it would be better.

Steve gave an example of overtime. Steve, I don't know what era you are talking about, but I have worked many hours and have never missed an overtime rate after 40, began working in the 80's. Now, when i went on salary, that is a different story, but it was a story i knew the ending too, before i agreeded to becoming a salaried employee. Salary is just that, salary. You take the good with the bad.

Look at the companies that Obama and his boys felt the needed to bail out. Most were union based companies. The same unions that help finance his campaign and will do so again as we speak. I think Union employees are over payed which leads to over priced merchandise or services. Too much benefits for too little production, in most cases.

As far as Wal-Mart, you have got to be kidding me. Is it not the American way to go for it? Wal-Mart and Sam Walton took a chance that everyone of us could do today, he took a chance and he won. They offer what most can't and there model for a company is the same American model of our success, when we were founded as a country. They earned where they are today and hoo-ray for them. I believe they did this without a single union employee too. They provide many jobs, not only at Wal-mart, but the many manufacturing companies that provide goods and transportation companies all across America, that deliver these goods. These are just two examples. This is what people fail to realize with a huge corporation. ALSO, So what if they make a PROFIT, that is what a company is in business for, especially in a country that was founded on competitive, free market prinicples.

In my opinion, supporters of unions and such, do not believe in companies making a profit, they strive for a socialist system. That is why we are seeing corporations failing that are union based more so than a right to work system. If there is still a need for a union, then some major changes need to be made and the union workers are going to have to bite the bullet and take a cut in benefits. I know the auto industry did take some cuts, they had too. I know up north, unions are heavily engrained in the way of life, they have been there many years and it is just like welfare, once you are in that rut, it is hard to get out of it, so I know there are places that will not budge on the thought process of why a union is needed and at what cost.

I am not going to change a pro-union mind one bit, my common sense doesn't allow me to even think like that. A union supporter in my mind has the same mind set as those on entitlement programs. Just thinking about self more so than the company they should support, let alone the country they call America.

Re: Wal Mart shame on you

Mr.Jeff I agree with the post that Mr.Walton took a gamble and plaid a winning hand know doubt about that but his company is and is not the same company at the table anymore that's facts.greed???? And as far as overtime before I was union and worked as a mechanic it didn't matter if I worked 50 hours we didn't get overtime let's use this as a example.your a house builder or a big time construction company you pay your Mexicans or helpers 5.00 ahour think they are worried about paying them any better?? When the company is making 60 or 70 dollars ahour of them???and we paved a apartment complex a week ago were the over the boarder workers was 5 stories in the air no safety net or tie offs.I guess my point here is I'm glad my union looks out for me as I'm able to return to my family and see my kids and not letting a company or companys put us on the line or risks that could be prevented.and please don't think you have to be a union person to be safe I know of a lot of non union companys who do care for there workers.and once shown Wal mart isn't one

Re: Wal Mart shame on you

Who do yall think was responsible for getting all those labor laws passed? Making overtime a law? God made man. The Union made the middle class.

Re: Wal Mart shame on you

It appears that all the wage earners on this site are jealous of millionaires or successful citizens. Why do you bash people who have made it big? I am simply amazed. I have a little education but not as much as many. What has that helped me?
This is the one thing I know for sure. History has shown that a capitalistic economy has never lasted as long as the one you are presently a part of. The problem is dumb voters voting for the dumb electorate. This site is filled with people who fit that stereotype. Some of you people can't see as far as you tinkle. That is the problem with this country. Do I know the cure? NO!!! As long as money and power are involved, as it has been for thousands of years, ease on and hope you can survive.

Re: Wal Mart shame on you

What does a UNION give me: NOTHING!! What does a UNION help me get: 1 a decent salary(if I show up on time and do the work I am trained for), 2 healthcare for me and my family( I can go to ANY hospital and will be treated) , 3 retirement( I do not have to worry about Social Security)4 disabilty( incase I get hurt it provides for myself and my family)! As long as UNIONS are strong this country will be( just look at our history) !!!

As for you guys trying to buy a book ; it should NEVER be bought!! You want it go to school and earn it!!!

Re: Wal Mart shame on you

Mr, Steve, I happen to work for a sizeable construciton contractor and our "mexicans" get the same pay as the others. And as far as safety, we are safety oriented to the point of being silly about it. I do think there was a need for Unions in our past, but the labor laws we have now, OSHA, MSHA, those orgainizations will take care of the companies that fail to keep their employees safe. In short, worker's rights have been looked into and improved to the point that even illegals have the same rights.

To the business agent, why would you not put your name on something you believe in? If you are ashamed of putting your name on something you beleive in, how can anyone take you serious. By the way, I can and have provided for my family with a decent fair salary, not an "inflated" salary, a salary that i earned not given to me, I provide health insurance for my family, I pay $75 per week for this, I do not get retirement other than 401K matching from my employer. When i retire, I will have enough from what i did on my own merit to live. I will not be dependant on anyone unless a catastrophe strikes my family.

Business agent, what is wrong with working your way up the ladder based on merit? Or are you a Union man because that is the only way to keep your job, with tenure? Many people fall into this category with Unions and Associations. Teachers, Professors may be at the top of the list with tenure, etc. Tenure can become a problem when promotions and such are based soley on tenure. It should be either you perform or replace you with someone that can.

Unions are just like type writers, there was a need for them way back when, but the technology, laws, and regulations have by-passed both.

Enough of this, lets turn them loose..