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Help with Pups

I have a gyp with puppies that were 3 weeks old today. This gyp has gotten to be very fussy with these pups the last couple of days like she is trying to wean them or something. She is still letting them nurse some because they still look healthy but she fusses at them to the point they act scared to death and try to hide their heads under the boards in the brooder and they Hollar a lot when she snaps and fusses at them. Has anyone ever had this issue and is there anything that can be done to help this situation?

Thanks in advance,

Re: Help with Pups

Cut the pups toe nails they are probably hurting her when they suck. ? also start feeding pups,might help?

Re: Help with Pups

Bobby, Feed her milk on her feed (As much as she can drink). When them bags stay full an hurting her, she'll be glad to let em nurse.

Re: Help with Pups

Like the above post stated, powdered milk mixed pretty thick, not too thin, and lots of it and mix it with high quality dog food and all the gyp and the pups can eat all day long will solve your problem. Pups will not be as aggressive toward nursing if they are already pretty full and also the gyp will produce more milk and she will want them to come and get it.