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Looking for a outside aggressive hound.

I'm looking for a outside hound that is aggressive with a coyote and will fight, I got lots that will bay and fight but just need one that is not afraid to get in first. Let me know what y'all got

Re: Looking for a outside aggressive hound.

Are you looking for a hound to breed to or one to purchase?

Re: Looking for a outside aggressive hound.

I'm looking to purchase one. Let me know what y'all got

Re: Looking for a outside aggressive hound.

i got a few killers they dont need help either running or catching.

Re: Looking for a outside aggressive hound.

(HI TECH KNLS ) marc mason
i got a few killers they dont need help either running or catching.
228 334 2517

Re: Looking for a outside aggressive hound.

They don't need no help in that 1/4 acre pen of yours!! but what do they do when u take them somewhere else ???

Re: Looking for a outside aggressive hound.

Ha Ha u so cool .lol