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Black Spoke Guinea D., Spot Guinea D. and River Dance Stride Hounds for sale

Red male white points out of Black Smoke Guinea D. and Dixons Sandy. Very classy nice young hound whelped 1/07/2015. $500

Buff colored Male white points out of Spot Guinea D. and Loper's Ruby. Scored 390 2nd day of Oklahoma state. finished 12th $500 also buff colored gyp and red gyp white points mate to him 300 each whelped 4/2015

1 Red Male, 2 red females off of Riverdance Red Stride x Firefly's Minnie Mouse whelped 6/10/14
300 each or 800 for all 3

1 Red female white points Black Smoke Guinea D. x Burns Pearl whelped 6-12-2014

1 fawn colored July out of Planter's Otis x Turners Kit Kat whelped 6-14-2014 $300

Have many others not mentioned but all for sale. call or txt me 936-572-0362

Re: Black Spoke Guinea D., Spot Guinea D. and River Dance Stride Hounds for sale

Hounds have been sold.