I think Trump would tell peta and the anit - hunting crowd in general to jump in the lake..not like jeb or Marco who would be friendly with Peta...Look at the pen politics of Florida... These establishment types let the fox hunters down big time in Florida.A guy like trump could save hunting in pens for the next generation.
South Carolina being one of the biggest all a round dog hunting States has a big voice this week! On how the rest of the country views this race. I think Trump has alot of common sence answers to a lot of problems we face as a nation. I heard him say today we don't even Negotiate the prices on drugs or weapons. When were the largest buyers in the world of both!
I'm a Cristian Husband Father Fox-Hunter & hes got my vote!
We're tired of being lied to.
I get a bad feeling about Trump. Matthew 7 tells us to watch for Wolves dressed in sheep's clothing.
Another thing, he's feeding off everybody's anger and using it to gather traction. However has anyone heard how he plans to fix what everybody is mad about? When asked about it all he can do is start flinging accusations at others and diverts away from the questions. I like his fire and willingness to call folks out, I just haven't seen any substance in his platform. He's never been a conservative and has been accused of being a democrat supporter in the past. I think folks should research him further before letting their emotions punch the ballot for them. Our next president will likely nominate a couple of Supreme Court justices and I'm not sure I want Trump getting to decide who upholds the constitution.
Stanley ,do you think these politicians who love a boarderless nation, (Jeb and Marco), care for your children and grand children?This to my thinking is a one issue race, the forgotten border and too much legal immigration . Soon SC will look like south Texas.What will our grandkids think of us then?These old school republican politicians think our children are too lazy and stupid to keep this country going.Thus the open boarder philosophy.It is almost too late and may be over anyway.But why not fight for our youth ?
So just because he says he'll do something about it now makes you believe he'll follow through with it? What has he done in the past to make you believe he's trustworthy now?
For the record, I like what he says, just not sure he's trustworthy.
One thing about it Trump sure won't do any worst than the hypocrite that's in there now. Trump is a true American and will stand up for America!!!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
I'm sitting here watching CNN, Trump is in Beaufort S.C.holding a town hall meeting. From what I'm hearing him say he's has a plan set, the rest can't say that, they're to busy bashing Trump. At lease he cares for this country. JMO
Stanley,what I have heard and read over the years from Jeb and Marco is their opinion of this country is it must have foreign workers to survive and prosper.Our youth will have a future and if it is to be enjoyable it wount be helped by low wage jobs due to foreign workers of both low skill and high skill from legal immigration as well as the taxation to cover the new welfare .
First and foremost I never said I was a Jeb or Marco follower. Just like Trump you avoided answering the question at hand by pointing fingers at the aforementioned nominees. What has Trump done in the past to make you believe he is the man for the job? Answer that honestly and truthfully. Was it the multiple bankruptcies? hes threatening to sue the RNC if Cruz is given the nomination yet hasn't/didn't say anything when obama's birth records were sealed. He's questioning cruz's legitimacy to be prez. All I'm asking you to do is get past the rah rah of him playing to the anger and emotion and truly see if he's the right man for the job. Carson doesn't have a snowball's chance in hades to win but I think he'd be a great leader
We have to to have some kind of change to disrupt this political"arena" we have been in. The two party system is absolutely BROKE!! We have got to demand "TERM LIMITS" first and foremost and elimate the "two party system" & PAC's. NOT ANY PART OF THE POLITICAL SYSTEM TODAY IS FOR THE FOLKS IN THE MIDDLE CLASS!
Stanley, I have heard Trump say he will stop the refugee flood hitting our cities and small towns from south America and the middle east with help from Jeff Session of Alabama ,who I truly trust and respect.Trump is using senator Session's advisors and these are men fighting against the grain in D.C.....I believe anything Jeff Sessions says.When he says don't vote for Trump ,I wount.But he has not said this.
He didn't make/keep his money by giving it away. That can't be said of the democratic candidates - they're success is directly tied to what they promise to give away.
I still say the one law that would 'right the ship' of the United States is that - If you don't pay income taxes, you don't get to vote.
Why should anyone have a say in a system they don't contribute to (just take from) ???
Trump may be the only one with enough backbone to sign on for that.....Not that you could find enough Representatives and Senators with the backbone to promote it.....most are all professional politicians - 2 jobs - Get elected, and Stay elected...not much else in between.
One thing that he has done is paid for his campaign out of pocket! How many others has invested their own money to run for the job? I believe the answer is 0. I personally won't invest my own money in something that I don't think would be worth it. That to me is doing something!
I agree with Hank 100%, if you dont pay income tax. Why should you beable to sit at home and draw off the system, And go vote. Dont get me wrong i understand that some need assitance. But for god sakes its a joke, i know piles of people that are playing the system just so they dont have to work. And these same people get to cast there vote on who gets to run this country. And then they wonder why its so messed up? Anyway its just my opinion, I work and pay taxes every week, my opinion doesnt count.
Mitt was right about the 47% comment he made about voters who don't even pay any tax .They say they pay sales tax but it comes from the handout they get from good ole uncle Sam the sham. Mitt lost for telling the truth...........We have let them breed like wild hogs and been paying them to do it... How stupid is that???????
Stanley Jackson, I agree with you and we need to look very hard at trump before we select him. he does a lot of talking and I like what he has said, but I am not sure he can deliver. we need a good strong leader but anyone would be better than Clinton or sander.
ted, I was a democrat all my life up to a few days ago. I am a Vietnam vet. and could not stand to see or hear Clinton or sander any longer and be assc. with them. I feel like the democrat party had gone so far left that I can not support them. I am a Christian believer and do not stand for plan parenthood etc. that they promote.
Mr.Leroy,thanks for your service to the Nation.The Vietnam war did good to slow the red China poison throughout that part of the world. Who knows what this world would had been now if guys like you hadn't sacrificed and not drew the line a bit deeper between good and evil......Yes ,both our political parties ,R & D have let us all down.....
As A christian this is how I am going to vote. I will vote for the one that I believe Jesus Christ would vote for. Not the one I believe will save our sport or the one that will be best for my pocket book. One day I am going to stand before God and give an account everything including who I vote for.
Well you better vote for one gona keep your kids safe as possible with best chance for a positive future or you be worse than one them infidels not take n care of his own.This country has gone to the dogs last 50 years. The kids now should hate us someday for what they been left to deal with with debt and crime and drugs..This is a devil country........Keep your family close and worship in Spirt and in Truth. Cause no man gona save you or your sport....
Now Leroy does that mean you voted for Obama the last 2 elections? Boy **** getting deep old Don Gohmert gonna ban you from hunting with him every week when he gets this news , now Harlan Hagan have 2 strikes against you running in his pen! Road running dogs & a Obama supporter. I bet that fire barrel talk gonna be interesting next week. 🙈🙊🙉😃😃
Wait a minute karl. There has not been a candidate in god knows how many years that wasn't a crook or a liar. You say that you are going to vote for who ever the almighty god would approve of. Well who in the hell have you been voting for all these years? What are you going to do when you meet your maker and have to explain to him if you made the wrong choice? Unless you know any of these candidates on a personal level, how do you know they aren't frauds? You don't know these men, you only know what they have said or what the media has portrayed them as. Why not vote to help save a sport full of christians, or vote to make sure that what you have worked for isn't taken from you? It's a lose lose for you. If you vote Democrat you are voting to take from the rich and give to the poor, but at the same time you are voting to kill babies. If you vote republican you are voting to help the wealthy and turn your back on poverty, but you will save the babies. Better just stay away from the booths karl, it's the only safe bet for who God would vote for.
John The people that have been in public service have a record if you take time to follow them. There record better match what they say. Do they do what they say and so on. You can check them out.
Remember if you don't vote you will be held accountable for that also.
Last word. If your are a christian you are required to vote for the one that has the most Christ like values. Not one is going to be perfect.
I will vote. But I don't care about how much of a Christian the candidate is. There are a lot of great men that aren't religious. And there are a lot of sorry men that are religious. My vote will be based on who will make this country better for my children. My vote will be for earning money, not taking it. My vote will be for protecting us from those that seek to do us harm. And my vote **** sure won't be for anyone that supports a domestic terror group like black lives matter. I don't hate wealthy people. The man that signs my paycheck is wealthy. He's the same man that provides me with awesome healthcare. The same guy that tells me if I give him a good honest 40 every week, he will reward me with promotions and raises. I'm going to vote to make sure that man is still able to run his business with out getting taxed to death. I don't want the free crap, I want what I earn. And I want you Karl to still be free to choose your religion and me to be free to choose mine.
Karl,Christ said his kingdom was not of this world and let Caesar keep his coins and he told peter to feed his sheep...I will vote to hope for jobs for my grand kids.If there could be a wall around this country I love to see it.
Just stating what is going to determine how I vote.
How anyone else votes I will leave that up to their conscience
The main thing is for everyone to get out and vote.
hey guys, I said I was a democrat for most of my life but that did not mean that I voted for Obama. I would never support him or Hillary. you are right, don and I do a lot of talking around the camp fire about the election and the way this country is headed. I do not like various things about either party. I hope the good lord send us a great leader that can turn this country around. thank each of you for your nice words. happy hunting.
OK guys, I am afraid that I see something disturbing developing! Trump nor the Clinton's have never been honest and aboveboard. NEVER!!!! I hope I am wrong but I fear that the next president WILL be either Trump or Hillary. None of the others have a chance unfortunately. Trump may turn out getting the GOP nomination and maybe not. Time will tell. If he gets the nomination I believe he can and will win over Hillary. Buttttt if he doesn't get the nomination he will RUN to the Clinton's and make a very lucrative deal with Hillary for him to run on a independent ticket therefore Hillary "WALTZES" into the whitehouse with the GOP vote divided :(. The Clinton's and Trump are ALWAYS going to take shortcuts and deal "under the table" This will give Hillary what she is after and actually the only way for her to win and even though Trump doesn't get into the whitehouse he will come out with some type of unbelievable deal from the Clinton's. But if it doesn't go this way and Trump gets the GOP nomination he will beat Clinton. Therefore, the only possible next president will be Hillary or Trump. Neither are my choices but I will take Trump head and shoulders over Hillary and certainly head and shoulders over what we have now:(! I hope I am wrong but I believe I am right :(
These guys and gal wanting this position are not like us in their thinking.They all lie and scratch to the top.But I believe the left when they say "flood this nation with more immigration." And I haven't seen the right fight to stop any of it.......It looks like Trump is a "jerk", but if it may take a jerk to bull down these weak republican leaders into more prison time for hard crime and more protection for the family man.We may have a problem within from the sleeper groups planted on our home soil.It may take a jerk type of a guy to stomp it back down so our kids don't have to in 20 years.We have a problem on our hands and it is going to take strength from the top down.