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Ark-La-Tex Masters 1 day speed and drive hunt

April 2 at Kountry Korner in Rosston, Arkansas. Run 4 hours. It will be a two class, derby and allage. Entry fee will be $50 per entry. breakdown on entry will be as follows : $10 to pen, $5 to pen manager, $10 to ALTM association, $25 back to hunters. This hunt is to raise money to help with the 3 day that has yet to be setup. We will get as many judges as possible, if necessary we'll put hunters in groups of 3-4.

derby numbers will be 0-99, will only give out 0- numbers when the double digits are full. All age will be 100-999

David Bonner will be taking the numbers for the hunt. (903)690-6848. He works shift work now so it is best to text first, call second. Text/calls will be returned in order rec'd. Thanks in advance for support.

Re: Ark-La-Tex Masters 1 day speed and drive hunt

David jus curious which rules the Ark-La-Tex Masters will be run under. I'm guessin Masters since that's the name but would like to know for sure . Thanks

Re: Ark-La-Tex Masters 1 day speed and drive hunt

Mr. Russ, the ARk-La-Tex Masters has been a masters affiliated hunt. The directors will be meeting in April to discuss and decide on the future of the field trial moving forward. That is all I'm going to say about the matter now as I don't want any negative bickering here and getting our thread whacked. Thanks for your interest and concern, but as soon as we get the details ironed out we'll announce it

Re: Ark-La-Tex Masters 1 day speed and drive hunt

What rules will the one day on April 2 be run under Masters or AFHA?

Re: Ark-La-Tex Masters 1 day speed and drive hunt

speed and drive only

Re: Ark-La-Tex Masters 1 day speed and drive hunt

I will no longer respond to no name posters. If u want to know post your name. Thanks!

Re: Ark-La-Tex Masters 1 day speed and drive hunt


Re: Ark-La-Tex Masters 1 day speed and drive hunt

Got several #'s out so far.

Re: Ark-La-Tex Masters 1 day speed and drive hunt

Will have bbq sandwich plates for sale for lunch. Will include chips and drink

Re: Ark-La-Tex Masters 1 day speed and drive hunt

Why not run 5 hours then we get
leader board points

Re: Ark-La-Tex Masters 1 day speed and drive hunt

Read the post. They running speed and drive only. What leaderboard are you going to get points from. You need to read your rule book.

Re: Ark-La-Tex Masters 1 day speed and drive hunt

It takes 8 hours to earn minimal hunts. Most of the folks coming aren't chasing points they are one day guys and not many want to run eight hours

Re: Ark-La-Tex Masters 1 day speed and drive hunt

Come have a good time with us. Have several numbers out. Should be a good turnout

Re: Ark-La-Tex Masters 1 day speed and drive hunt

Derek he may have been talking about leaderboard points for CRHA.

Re: Ark-La-Tex Masters 1 day speed and drive hunt

I'm going to try and come

Re: Ark-La-Tex Masters 1 day speed and drive hunt

10-4 I didn't even think of that Tic. To many changes since we got out and getting back in. We are supposed to have a CRHC hunt this fall in Grapevine , Kyle Efird is the head man in charge of the hunt I am told , what would you have to do besides run a hunt five hours to get the points to count for those that run CRHC ? I believe we will be having another one day later on as a fund raiser for our 3 day hunt

Re: Ark-La-Tex Masters 1 day speed and drive hunt

Cast 107 this morning