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Results Camp Shelby Open

109 dogs casted

1St Caden & Brad Talley
2nd Jamie Welborn
3rd Tyler Herrin
4th David Fayard
5th Kieth Lott
6th Triple J Kennels also Combination Winner
7th Colby Haggart
8th Art Davis
9th Tyler Herrin
10th Bailey Branch Kennels
11th Jamie Welborn
12th J D Locke
13th Joe Meadows
14th Fast & Furious Kennels
15 th Colby Haggart
16th Art Davis
17th Chad Hession
18th John & Jen Waugh
19th Calvin Walters
20th Rollin L Kennels

BIS Triple J Kennels
BOS Triple J Kennels

Congradulations to the winners and Thankyou for the 29 judges that came out and helped us today .

Re: Results Camp Shelby Open

3rd place..Herrin's Naenae (Rocky T. x. Slade's Lily). 9th place.. Big L's George (Bud Hill Ranger. x. Red Oak Diexe) congrats to all who placed

Re: Results Camp Shelby Open

Thanks to everyone who came out and supported the hunt. I hope everyone had a good time. Sorry I couldn't be there. Thanks to all the judges and to everyone who pitched in in my absence.

Re: Results Camp Shelby Open

I had a blast today. I met several nice folks and watched several nice hounds. The woods, the running, the judging, and the food were as good as you could ask for. Even the bouncy house for the kids was first class. This was one of the best one day hunts I've been to.

Re: Results Camp Shelby Open

Was very impressed with this hunt. It was an outstanding job buy all those that put it on. The recast rule worked great! If they all run like this one was today then everyone needs to attend them. Congrats on those that won and placed and Sammy you done a great job.

Re: Results Camp Shelby Open

14th place Scott's lil D S. ( GS Dash for Cash X Lamey's Josie)
16th place Davis's Black Gal ( Hippys John X Davis's Sugar)
8th place Davis's Sister ( Hippys John X Hippys Black Gal)
8th and 16th belong to Art Davis
It was a good hunt with outstanding running. Had a good time. Congratulations to Brad on the win and to everyone that placed and anybody that had part in the hunt especially the judges

Re: Results Camp Shelby Open

Congrats Brad Talley on the win and to everyone else who placed. And a big thanks to Sammy Murphy for putting on a great hunt.

Re: Results Camp Shelby Open

Like to thank Sammy, Dean, Chuck, and everybody else who took the time to put on a fine hunt for all of us to enjoy. Fine job well done. Congrats to all that placed. There was a lot of fine hounds there that I would feed anytime.
1st place Smokey (Hippy's John x Scott's Molly S)

Re: Results Camp Shelby Open

Sammy, Dean and everybody else involved, we had a great time! First class for sure! Thank y'all! Judges done a great job staying on the hounds, and I really like the recast rule y'all had set up.. Congratulations to Brad & Caden, and to everybody else that placed!

17th Hession's Payday (Lakehills Jaybird x Rice's Bonnie II)

Re: Results Camp Shelby Open

Was a great hunt look forward for the next one 10th place Baily Branch Rock (Destos Rock Soid x Low gears Super Fly)

Re: Results Camp Shelby Open

Great hunt outstanding running good hounds. Real good food can't wait 4 the next one. Congrats 2 all who placed.