Seen some men feed there dogs right before cast. Some men say not tp feed them for up to 6 hours before cast. What works? Seems like the feed would swell up make him bloat?
John is's not a needle the p.e.d. man is using. It's time release pills.They have a pill capsule that release after 2 to 3 hours into blood stream.In this situation the food is to move the pill in the small intestine were it is absorbed into the blood stream.
most people I know eat breakfast before going to work. why wouldn't the dogs. football players, runners all eat before they compete. how can you preform at your highest level on empty?
I like to feed my hounds around 10-11 oclock on the day I run them. this give them time to digest their food and clean out before I load them. just my daily routine before I go hunting. I know hunters who feed real early and some do not feed at all.
Every dog is different. Some run better one way and some run better another. Try things out before you pleasure/exercise run them. It's better to find out what doesn't work then rather than at a field trial you just paid money to enter. B12 makes some dogs sick and some babble. Some stuff makes a dog roady or and not get in a race. That's what makes some of the big winners great, they know their dogs.