Ms.State draws 298 at Grenada.
Huntin grounds in great shape with coyotes.Good first day....Few if any hounds crossed the main drag.
Who won Derby?
Charles Parker
The deer dogs win agin!!!!
Actually there was a lot of fox and coyote running.
99.2% SpDrv too.
Congratulations to mr.charles parker on his derby win and to duste and mr.mose gore on their all age win.
Wheres the results??
Congrats to all that placed. Feel sure it was a great hunt. Really want to congratulate Charles. Couldn't have happened to a better person.
Great turnout with abundance of good coyote running.Overwhelmed that group of judges with all that yote running to look at.
Thanks BA that challenge troghy took its first trip to church yesterday that boy want put it down he is tickeled
That's good I like seeing young hunters like Mose get excited about dog hunting.Got keep it going.