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Night running

Ran all night long with 6 of my big male hounds sounding pretty good, hear the audio/videos on my Facebook page

Re: Night running

don, will you be at old timers hunt next month at shebville, texas. I have not heard to much about it but don and I plan to be there. should be a good hunt.

Re: Night running

I would like to. Wasn't aware they were having it. Had to miss last year because they had it in a Wed nite and I don't run on Wed nites.

Re: Night running

don, don gohmert and I run the first night and come home. I heard it was on the fourth and fifth of april which is a Monday and Tuesday if I am correct.

Re: Night running

I hope that's correct, I can make that :)

Re: Night running

Don the Old Timers hunt will be the 5th & 6th of April at Shelbyville Fox Pen.

Re: Night running

Richard, we were told it was 4th and fifth on a Monday and Tuesday night at western derby. I will make a few phone calls to find out.

Re: Night running

Confusing???? Same thing as last year. Is it the Monday morning a d Tuesday morning or Tuesday morning and Wednesday morning, or Tuesday night and Wednesday night ???

Re: Night running

don, it is Tuesday and wed. night, Gerald gave don the wrong dates. Hubert talk to Curtis this week about the dates and Richard was correct. hope you make it.

Re: Night running

That's what I thought, I can't run on Wed nights, :(

Re: Night running

Plan to be there Tue eve and night but not Wed nite. Looking forward to visiting with some old friends that I haven't seen in quite a while :)