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2 Day GTP Derby Hunt Darlington/Dairybarn June 17th & 18th

Going to be held at Darlington fox pen first day and top 50 dogs from the first day will advance to run the 2cnd day at 220 acre pen at Dairy barn. The bench show will be Friday night after first day of running at Darlington at 6:30. Entry Fee $60 a dog.
This hunt will be advertised in the horn and count for HOY pts will be two 5 hr days Derby Hunt ran on Friday and Sat.17th and 18th
Will start giving numbers out May 1st

Re: 2 Day GTP Derby Hunt Darlington/Dairybarn June 17th & 18th

Books are open for this hunt call 985-517-2519 Harrell Sharkey and can post on here as well. Thanks

Re: 2 Day GTP Derby Hunt Darlington/Dairybarn June 17th & 18th

How far are these two pens apart and closest hotel to them?

Re: 2 Day GTP Derby Hunt Darlington/Dairybarn June 17th & 18th

The Pens are 6 miles from each other and there are Hotels in Amite La 21 miles from pen we can hold 180 dogs in kennels and have 10 camper hook ups

Re: 2 Day GTP Derby Hunt Darlington/Dairybarn June 17th & 18th


Re: 2 Day GTP Derby Hunt Darlington/Dairybarn June 17th & 18th

We have 75 numbers out right now. First place is ($1,000 Guarenteed)this coming Sat free running cast time at 5 am 5-28-2016
At Darlington

Re: 2 Day GTP Derby Hunt Darlington/Dairybarn June 17th & 18th

Had great running this morning at Darlington had 55 dogs today really enjoyed it thanks to everyone who came should be a good hunt have 90 numbers out right now

Re: 2 Day GTP Derby Hunt Darlington/Dairybarn June 17th & 18th


Re: 2 Day GTP Derby Hunt Darlington/Dairybarn June 17th & 18th

Just finished up with everything today should be a great hunt got the roads fixed up and had great running this morning this is a Fri /Sat hunt just had some people asking looking forward to seeing everyone

Re: 2 Day GTP Derby Hunt Darlington/Dairybarn June 17th & 18th

Huge thanks to everyone that came out and supported this hunt! We had a great time with great running both days. Congrats to all that placed!

1st #30 with GTP 870 - D&S Whitey - Guyotte's Wishbone x D&S Gypsy - D&S Kennels - Classiest Hound
2nd #17 with GTP 721 - Webb's Rusty - M&W's Rusty x Sharkey's Eye Candy - Lewis & Narvin
3rd #7 with GTP 676 - Guyotte's Almighty - Guyotte's Wishbone x D&S Gypsy - Frasier Brothers Kennels - Combo/Best Mouth
4th #1 with GTP 662 - Guyotte's Margarita - Guyotte's Wishbone x D&S Gypsy - Frasier Brothers Kennels
5th #99 with GTP 639 - Treylar's Baldy - Trawicks B. Mobile x Bella Star B. - Treylar Kennels
6th #501 with GTP 558 - Treylar's Turd - Everitt's Bo x Pondside's Oreo - Treylar Kennels - BOS
7th # 91 with GTP 539 - Repent - Hebert's Cavalier x Buster Bell - Young Gun Kennels
8th #41 with GPT 532 - Treylar's Dot - Trawick's B. Mobile x Bell Star B. - Treylar Kennels
9th #4 with GTP 506 - Holly Ray - Mud Creek Bones x Parker's Crazy - Young Gun Kennels - BIS
10th #10 with GTP 484 - Guyotte's Shazaam - Guyotte's Wishbone x Efird's Brandy - Frasier Brothers Kennels

Re: 2 Day GTP Derby Hunt Darlington/Dairybarn June 17th & 18th

5th is TreyLar's Bauldy and the dam should be Alice B. II
8th dam should be Bella star B.
Thanks great running both days and thanks for the judges for hanging in there during the monsoon sat.