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Ty Ty puppy hunt results

We had a great hunt Saturday we would like to thank the hunters and judges

1st 1,535 #9 rad's lil'b river dance John doy x Boehner Lil Ann Night move kennels

2nd 1,400 # 10 south Bryan travler south Bryan chrome II x Harvey Boys Hope South Bryan & Tubby

3rd 1,320 #1 Shuman's Candy Shuman's Mac x Shuman's Betty Lynn Shuman

4 6th 1,285 # 41 hunters black Hal Lovett's Sarge x killam hills happy Lee Kennett Jerry Hobby

5th 1,250. #0 rads red fly Frasier Bro's Master Man x Frasier Bro's Big Gal Night Move Kennels

6th #7 1,110 South Bryan's Fancy c- rays yellow head x tyres co co south Bryan Kennels

7Th 1,075 # 511 Hagan's Smiley Frazier' zeb j x tindall jitter bug state line kennels

8Th 820 #8 South Bryan's Linda Frasier Bro's Master Man x Frasier Bro's Big Gal South Bryan Kennels

9Th 810 #11 New Rivers Rooster John's x man x New Rivers Lipstick New River kennels

10Th. 795 #52 Jolley's buzzard bait jolley's tiger x Miller's Lil bit Steve jolley

Re: Ty Ty puppy hunt results

Congrats to allen. That boy is on fire right now. Congrats to Russell and tub and everybody else that got something