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THE SC STATE HISTORY - Come Add To The History

In 1989 L&P Whiskey Yates was declared The SC State Winner after only one day
of running. The remainder of the hunt was canceled due damage received from
Hurricane Hugo. Not to be denied from her championship she returned in 1990 and won the hunt.

1929 This is the year that Wall Street crashed contributing to the Great Depression.
The hunt was held at Camp Jackson, known today as Fort Jackson. Fancy won the Derby. She was owned by Golden Valley Kennels from Forest City, NC. Rex won the All- Age owned by WJ Meggs, Lockhart,SC. The report from The Chase stated that there were over Three Thousand people in attendance including the

1997, 1999, and 2003
These are the years that hounds entered by Lenny Crowe won The SC State.
1997 - Grainger's Rita, 1999 Dog Bluff Pippin, and 2003 Dog Bluff Rita