
Official Website of the Foxhunters Hall of Fame

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South Carolina State THREE DAY Field Trial....... April 20-23 2016

It's that time of year again, the South Carolina Foxhunters Association would like to invite everyone to the annual SCFHA 3 Day hunt!!! We have had to move our dates up to accommodate the changes to the Foreston Fox Run in Manning SC. The new dates for the SC State will be April 20-23, with these dates come lots of changes, including MOH and lots of judges due to prior obligations. This change of date was done solely for the people of SC, we thought it would be unfair to move hunt out of state and by no means have any intentions of interfering with organizations putting hunts on around these dates.

Paul Caskey MOH
Tommy Mclamb Assistant MOH
Cliff Parker Bench Show Judge.

$2500 to be given back, $300 a day to high Speed and Drive winners in each class and $500 to the winners in each class Friday and Saturday.

5-6 tons of Pride, Showtime and Specialty Feeds to be given away along with Silver HGA awards.

At this time we have 30 confirmed judges with more replies in waiting. The directors have worked hard to make this hunt the biggest and best in the country. There is also in the works to make this hunt a Grade II stakes hunt!!!!! This will Be very nice to the Hound of the Year contestants with our last year entry at 587!!!

Spread the word of the change in date so everyone can be there for THE LAST HUNT AT MANNING BIG PEN!!!!!

Start giving out numbers April 1st, 843-344-2863.

Any questions or concerns you can contact:
Davis Hallman, President 803-600-9281
Travis Johnson Secretary 843-344-2863
Lenny Crowe
Hank Cranford
Stephen Fowler
Kevin Kirby
Brad Richardson
Paul Caskey
Benjamin Caskey
Bubba Sharpe
Randy LAmbert
Jeff Lucas
Victor Tanner
Dean Todd
Brian Haas
Jay Holbert
Ryan Watson
MArk Pittman
Ron Lambert
Gregg Jolly
Chase MAthias
Glenn Humphery
Jason Ricard
Lee Bo Gibbons
Richard Evans
Ronnie Caughman
Mike Carr
David Roberson
Jim Avent

Re: South Carolina State THREE DAY Field Trial....... April 20-23 2016

Over 700 numbers gave out in the first 24 hours!!!! You will not want to miss this one!!

Re: South Carolina State THREE DAY Field Trial....... April 20-23 2016