
Official Website of the Foxhunters Hall of Fame

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2018 Specialty Feeds World Cup

We hope your getting your dogs ready for the 2018 World Cup! It will be here
before you know it.

Draw on Wednesday December 5th. Run December 6th - 8th. Triple-B Fox
Pen, Wallace, NC. We talked to Jeremy Bond today, he said the pen is
running great and it will be a barn burner all three days. Fox, Coyote & Deer.

The TOP TEN Hound of the year dogs (going into the hunt) get a free entry.
High scoring dog each day will receive a Garmin TT-15 Collar.

Looks like we will have people from North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia,
Virginia, Mississippi, Louisiana, Illinois, Iowa and Tennessee. This year the
HIGH Speed & Drive dog after Day 1 from EACH state will receive $100.
(Can’t be scratched)

Number draw will be done Wednesday 12/5 @ 9:00 EST at the pen.
If you are unable to be there, please call Ronny Norris @ 910-540-7188,
John Dodson @ 229-805-7465 or me at 910-512-0575 BEFORE 9:00
to have someone draw for you. Draw #’s will be 20-99 AND anything
with two 1’s. 1 - 19 will be auctioned off with all proceeds going back
to the top ten GTP.

Hope to see you there! If still need to get on the draw list let me know.