Hi everyone, My name is Cameron Hilton. My father Barry Hilton passed away December 30th 2019. I looked through this forum but couldn't find any mention of his passing, so i decided to make this. (Sorry if it was already made) I'm not sure how many of you knew him, but I see a few people that I recognize from when I went to fox hunts with him, (Hi Brinchek). I ran across this website because I was reminiscing about the times when he and i would go down to a fox hunt together. I was hoping to find some pictures but sadly I couldn't. He stopped fox hunting around 2014 I think, he always wanted to get back into though.
Find some old Chase magazines and look for pictures of your Dad. I remember seeing him in articles and pictures in the hunting magazines. I remember his name well and might have seen him around the All American when they were held McNeil Miss. 30 or so years ago. Sorry for your loss !
Sorry for your loss, your dad left a hound lost at Nationals one year and hound was located I kept his hound for him for several months until we could arrange pickup. That was years ago and I've forgotten how we got female back to him. I tried my best to buy her but he wasn't having that as he had placed her several times I think.
Man I’m so sorry to hear this. I actually asked Hank Cranford last year if anyone had heard from your dad. The last we had heard was he had to take a break from fox hunting for a while. Me and your dad have had countless amounts of arguments/discussions on this website over the years. Barry was definitely a houndsmen and you wasn’t going to sway his beliefs on a topic, lol. I’ve missed our conversations these last several years. Follow in his footsteps, I’m sure that’s what he’d love you to do.
I am sorry to about him. I remember the first time I saw the professor. I got him to sign my Chase magazine one of his dogs has on the cover. I enjoy the messages he would leave on Speeddog. I also remember him running at Fox-E-Fox Preserve at Hallsboro NC.