It was noticed that the passing of a great friend and fellow houudsman had not been posted onto Masterfox. Robby Bouge passed away on December 26, 2020 at his home in THaxon, Ms. Graveside services will be tomorrow December 29 at the church that he attended in the Pinedale Community. The foxhound community has lost a great friend and legend. His legacy will live on for many years. Our prayers are with his family and friends.
Robby was a great man to many . And he sure was to me . We lost agood man one of the top 5 dog men there has ever been in my opinion. It’s sad to say but there is one good thing that happened out of all this . Him and Clown are probably getting ready to win another hunt. I was blessed to have known Robby. I missed him calling this last Sunday morning asking me and Bradshaw what was doing what. He never missed a Sunday of calling us. He done that because he loves us and we loved him . I know in today’s world we all get caught up in being busy . But he never missed calling on Sunday mornings. I know he is in heaven and that’s what is important. I could go on for hours talking about this man. But I’m going to get off here. But I want to say one more thing . I know most of you do . But if you have a friend in fox hunting world that you haven’t reached out to lately . Call or text them and just let them know you are thinking of them .