
Official Website of the Foxhunters Hall of Fame

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American Invitational Running Hound Classic

American Invitational Running Hound Classic

December 1-4, 2022 @ Triple ”B” Fox Preserve in Wallace, NC

National Affiliated and Grade 1 hunt for Leaderboard

Master of Hounds - Kenny Dean
Bench Show Judge - Kelly Meadows

President - Richie Wallace (434)390-6628
Secretary - Clif Parker (252)559-0400

Hounds must of HGA’d or placed in the top 10 GTP in a National or Masters Affiliated 2 day Derby, 2 day 15 hour trail or 3 or 4 day trail during 2021 or 2022 to be eligible for this trail.

Entry fees must be sent in to the secretary Clif Parker no later than November 21, 2022. Entries must include the following: Hound Name, name of hunt, year of hunt, hounds HGA place, owner(name, address, and phone number.
Clif Parker
6330 Hugo Rd.
Hookerton, NC 28538

Entry fee - $100 per hound
Enter hounds December 1st
Run December 2-4

Added money from the Hunters Horn and the Standard Foxhound Stud Book. Hounds must be registered in the Standard Foxhound Stud Book(Horn Registry) to receive the Horn added purse. Any Horn registered hound finishing in the top 3 HGA will receive an added purse of $750 for 1st, $500 for 2nd and $250 for 3rd. Must include the Horn registration number for hound on your entry sheet. NO EXCEPTIONS! To register your hounds call the Hunters Horn at (618)625-3602 or email sfsb@chpub.net