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Results: C&M Puppy and Derby 2/11/23

C&M Puppy and Derby
Speed & Drive Hunt 2/11/23
C&M Fox Preserve
1270 Dessie Rd.
Chadbourn, N.C. 28431

Results by Lonnie Ward

Well after a lot of worrying about the weather (which we can’t do anything about) and new game in the pen getting tested their first time with derby hounds, well the Good Lord was looking out for us. We had a few light sprinkles and the game did very good . We have a lot of people to thank for helping make the Feb. 11th puppy & derby hunt a 5 star event. First I want to thank the hunters for their sportsmanship and friendly attitudes. It is always good to have kids playing and having a good time and just enjoying the day. I wish I had some of their energy.
I want to thank Bill Holden for doing a fine job as always and for all the judges that gave their time and came even if we were expecting some rough weather. Thank each of you so much, and they were : Bill Holden (Master), James Benton, Joel Blackmon, Bud White, Joey Fowler, Tim Sykes, Michael Hair, Amanda Sykes, Tony Griffin , Kyle Blackmon, Duck Britt, Lacy Batten, Hunter Bammarito, D.J. Enzor, and Wesley Holloman. With all the scores we had with these 15 judges , Terrie Holden our computer girl kept up and got us out in a good time. Thank you Terrie.
The Bench Show judge was Joey Fowler and ring master was Bud White. Thank you guys for doing an awesome job.
A big thanks to Pastor Jeff Blanton and Lisa McShane for helping me get the meals ready and much more. Lisa doing the pictures and posting the score sheets and pictures and Pastor Jeff helping me with judges snacks and picking up scores and game patrol.
Thanks to my wife Hilda for all she takes care of. I could not do it without her.
Thank you Wesley Holloman for staying when the dust is settled and helping me get all put away and fed up. You are a big help and a good friend.
Thanks to the feed companies for all they do. Pride (Mike Carr), V-Pac (Ronnie Mace) Showtime( Randy Mcgovern) and Buddy Boy (Gurganus Feeds).
Thanks to you guys on game patrol today. I had the Best: My son David and D.J., and Donnie and Johnny and Joey Fowler. You made me feel so much better when I saw you fellows roll in and bet the game has a big thank you too. .
I don’t want to forget Amanda Sykes for selling 50/50 tickets. You did a great job for a great cause.
I hope to see everyone back on March 11th for our next puppy and derby hunt.
Until next time Happy Hunting, Lonnie

Bench Show


1st #319 Ghost: Coot’s Runaway Chester & Keith Krazy K. Snow/ Locked & Loaded Knls., Green Sea, S.C.
2nd #89 Cat Fish’s Cash: Fowler’s Chief.hl & Fowler’s Zula.hl/ Killing Time Knls., Currie, N.C. 3
3rd #321 Blow-N-Smoke Boss Man: Broadway J.P. and Broadway Hershey/ Henry, Steve & Vicki Jordan, Conway, S.C.
4th #43 Batman: B&B Chrome & Never Nice Rhiannon/ Mike McShane, N Myrtle Beach, S.C.
5th #85 Top Dog Hercules: West Robot & Wright’s Diamond/ Robbie Welch, Macedonia, S.C.
6th #141 Lyla’s Spongebob: Hollow Oak’s Rabbit & Ronnie’s Flossy/ Isaac Howard, Goose Creek, S.C.
7th #379 Cosmo: M B’s Red & Gaskins Rita B/ Sandhill Knls., Kingston, N.C.
8th #41 Johnson’s Otis B.: Pak’d up OP & Pak’d Up Madonna/ Black Jack Knls, Currie, N.C.
9th #211 RJ: CS Repo & CS Candy/ Belle Spillman, Lumberton, N.C.
10th #59 Woodchuck: Dog Bluff Frontend & Dog Bluff Holly/ Keenan McShane, N. Myrtle Beach, S.C.


1st #13 Showtime: Crossroad Tri. Co. Sam & Miss Abigale Deluxe/ Mike McShane, N. Myrtle Beach, S.C.
2nd #181 Blow-N-Smoke Do It Diva: Broadway’s J.P. & Broadway’s Hershey/ Henry, Steve & Vicki Jordan, Conway, S.C.
3rd #29 Felicia’s Black Beauty: TByrd’s Ben & Coot’s Runaway Ginger / Coot Williamson, Chadbourn, N.C.
4th #3 Little Boozie: Swift Creek & Broadway’s lil Fly/ Chay Leggett, Lumberton,N.C.,
5th #503 Sarah’s Daisy: Blanton’s Dozer & Sarah’s Little Molly/ Out of Control Knls., Castle Hayne, N.C.
6th #87 Roxie: S&N Repo and Blackie/ Mike McShane, N. Myrtle Beach, S.C.
7th #147 Howard’s Do It Baby: ch. Bond’s Wheeler & Tod Bro’s Caroline/ Isaac Howard, Goose Creek, S.C.
8th #173 Down South’s Sydney: ch. B&B Chrome & Daniel’s Butterfly 2/ Down South Knls., Conway, S.C.
9th #281 K C’s Cheddar Bo: Croatan’s Creed & C.T.’s Lacy/ KC & Sons, Inc. , New Bern, N.C.
10th #185 Bryant’s Super Woman: Harris Gold Platinum & Shuler’s Wonder Woman, Blind Hog Knls., Pelion, S.C.

BIS #13 Showtime/ Mike McShane
BOS #319 Ghost/Locked & Loaded Knls.


41 entries/ 350 pts to get in & 645 to win

1st #70 Maple Rd’s Dolly: Crisco’s Charlie & Maple Rd’s Jail Bird/ Maple Rd. Knls., Burgaw, N.C,
2nd #6 Norris.Reeze Cup : Norris Cow Boy & Norris Flo/ Ronny Norris, Wilmington, N.C.
3rd #20 Benton’s Shilia II: Cliborne Zeeke & Malpass Shilia/ High Step’N Knls.,Delco, N.C.
4th #52 Coley’s Bootsy: Crisco’s Sundown & Coley’s Cricket/Red Bug Knls, Castle Hayne, N.C.
5th #82 Nobles Kitty: Cherry’s Hoss & Cherry’s Mini/ Charlie & Layton Nobles, Aynor, S.C.
6th #4 Benton’s Lil Spot: SnD Oodle & Ward’s Shelby/ High Step’n Knls, Delco, N,C.
7th #314 Fowler’s Dot: B&B Loot & Hacked Up Dollie/ Danny & Stephen Fowler, Tabor City, N.C.
8th #58 Coley’s Gypsy Rose : Crisco’s Sundown & Coley’s Cricket/ Red Bug Knls, Castle Hayne, N.C…
9th #126 Benton’s White Gal: SnD Oodle & Ward’s Shelby/ High Step’n Knls., Delco, N,C.
10th #44 Coley’s Blk Jack: Crisco’s Sundown & Coley’s Cricket/Red Bug Knls, Castle Hayne, N.C.
11th #42 Coley’s Blondie/ Red Bug Knls.
12th #86 Nobles’ Lil Jake/ Charlie & Layton Nobles
13th #156 Benton’s Big Spot/ High Step’n Knls.
14th #130 Fowler’s Tan/ Danny & Stephen Fowler
15th #90 Maple Rd’s Lil P/ Maple Rd. Knls.

137 entries/ 545 points to get in and 715 pts to win

1st #91 Maple Rd’s Pilot J. : Broadway’s JP & JB’s Squeaky/Maple Rd Knls., Burgaw, N.C.
2nd #55 Hollis’ Diva: ch. Ole South’s Metabo & Ole South Mallory/HBK’s Mofia, Leland, N.C.
3rd #181 Blow-N-Smoke Do It Diva: Broadway’s J.P. & Broadway’s Hershey/Henry, Steve & Vicki Jordan, Conway, S.C.
4th 321 Blow-N-Smoke Bossman: Broadway’s J.P. & Broadway’s Hershey/ Henry, Steve, & Vicki Jordan, Conway, S.C.
5th #19 High Voltage’s Speck : Redwood’s Monster Boy & High Voltage’s Speckles, High Voltage Knls., Chadbourn, N.C.
6th #511 Kellie’s “Bren”: Blanton’s Dozer & Tear Coat Gray Girl/ Out of Control Knls, Castle Hayne, N.C.
7th #53 Maple Rd’s Foxy J.: Broadway’s J.P. & JB’s Squeaky/Maple Rd. Knls., Burgaw, N.C.
8th #115 Burnt Island’s Holly: Front Row’s Float & Little’s Psycho/Burnt Island Knls.,Lumberton, N.C.
9th #111 Leggett’s Penny: B&B Loot & Leggett’s Foxy/ Leggett & Sons Knls., Evergreen, NC.
10th #451 Batarora’s Pale Face: Frasier Bros. Thigh Bone & Lizzy S./Batarora Knls.,Leland, N.C.
11th #3 Pay Pal’s Boosie/ Pay Pal and Slow & Steady Knls.
12th #63 Nobles Lu Lu /Charlie and Layton Nobles
13th #137 P.H.K.’s Zena/ Power House Knls.
14th #515 Coley’s Pee Wee / Red Bug Knls.
15th #7 Norris Lil Trump/ Ronny Norris

Best Mouth #123 Duvall’s Bandit / HBK’s Mafia
Classy Hound #75 Hollis’ Twister/ HBK’s Mafia
Combonation #181 Blow-N-Smoke Do It Diva/ Henry, Steve, & Vicki Jordan