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C&M Puppy and Derby 8/12/23

C&M Fox Preserve
1270 Dessie Rd.
Chadbourn, N,C, 28431

Puppy and Derby Hunt August 12th, 2023

Puppies up to 12 months /even numbers and Derby up to 24 months/ odd numbers.
4 Hour hunt
Bench show including child handling class.
Entry Fee $36.00
Give out numbers from 7:30pm till 9:30pm on Thursday, August 3rd, and at the same time each night thereafter.
Numbers can only be used by the name reserved in.
When calling for numbers, do NOT leave text, voice, or email message or leave messages on face book. Calls only and not before 7:30pm.
Entries must have breeding on them.
Breakfast and Lunch will be available.
CAST AT DAYLIGHT. Master of hounds to decide time.
15 places in each class.
For questions and/or to reserve numbers call Lonnie Ward at 910-234-0669