C&M 2 Day Derby
Masters Affiliated / Run under GTP Rules
July 26th & 27h, 2024
C&M Fox Preserve
1270 Dessie Rd.
Chadbourn, N.C. 28431
Entry Fee: $100.00 with $30.00 deposit paid in advance
No Membership Fee
Camper Sites Available @ $20.00 per night ( Call Lonnie Ward to reserve at 910-234-0669)
Motels in Whiteville, N.C.
Master of Hounds: Clyde Sutton
Asst. Master : Jody Duvall
Bench Show Judge : TBA
Ring Master: Jody Duvall
Bench show at 5:00pm on Friday July 26th and will include a child handling class.
Appreciation Supper will follow bench show.
Numbers will be given out starting at 7:30pm-9:30pm on Tuesday, July 2nd, and same times each nig by calling Lonnie Ward at 910-234-0669.
Entries will be limited to 100. Details will be posted at a later date on Speed Dogs, Master Fox, and face book (C&M and Lonnie Ward).
Enter hounds 5:00pm -7:00pm on Thursday July 25th and 4:00am-5:00am on July 26.
Kennels will be assigned at time of entry.
Cast will be at DAYLIGHT, Master of Hounds will determine exact time. Run 5 hours.
2024 Run for the Truck and Leader Board Qualified.