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C&M Puppy and Derby hunt June 8th, 2024

C&M Fox Preserve
1270 Dessie Rd.
Chadbourn, N.C. 28431

Puppy and Derby Hunt, June 8th, 2024

Puppies up to 12 months/ even numbers and Derby up to 24 months/ odd numbers.
Hounds run together scored separately.
Bench Show including child handling class.
Entry Fee $36.00
Giving out numbers from 7:30pm till 9:00pm on Thursday, May 30th and at the same time each night there after.
Numbers can only be used by the name they were reserved in .
When calling for numbers, do Not leave voice , text, or email message or leave on face book. Calls only and not before 7:30pm.
Entries must have breeding on them.
Breakfast and lunch will be available.
CAST AT DAYLIGHT . Master of hounds to decide time. The winner of each class will receive an embroidered Jacket.
Puppy Class: If we have over 30 entries we will give out 15 places and under 30 entries/ 10 places.
Derby Class: 15 places.

For questions and /or to reserve numbers call Lonnie Ward at 910-234-0669.