
Official Website of the Foxhunters Hall of Fame

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Re: What is wrong with people?

Well since the cats out of the bag, First off I want to say we are not trying to take anyone away from speddogs and masterfox. I have enjoyed both sites and will continue to visit them. I will be speaking to the admins of both sites to ask permission to put links to there sites on ours. We are simply offering a place for pen owners and hunters to post results and people to sell items with out being bashed by people with no names. There will be several categories to talk about different things and classifieds. you will have to register with your real name and have a login and password. We will also have private messaging so that you can handle your business or talk to an old friend in private. As far as people making a bad deal on a dog, I have no control over the liars. There are 2 sides to every story and we will not be able to just ban someone for lying. If it is something that becomes a problem it will be handled. This is not a one man show, there is a board of 5 hunters and we will put it to a vote if we feel it needs to be addressed. We are still building the site and will be sometime next week before it is running.

Re: What is wrong with people?

I'm sure y'all 5 are real hunters to worried about the Internet !!!

Re: What is wrong with people?

You don't have to join the sight, from your previous post you don't have anything intelligent to add to the forum any way.

The site is by invite only. I talked to the 5 board members and they are all from different areas. They will be inviting people to the site. We will be talking to some other folks interested in being moderators and they will be helping invite also. The purpose of the invitation only is to try to keep the anti hunters off the site. Hunter if you you come to the hunts you will probably get an invitation and it will probably be from someone That you didn't mean to say that about.

Re: What is wrong with people?

For anyone interested the site is done. If you are interested in becoming a free member the email is 4wfoxdogs@gmail.com

Re: What is wrong with people?

All the problems with fox hunting started when it became about the money and not the hounds! You started attracting the shady drughead people to these so-called puppy hunts where most are 14-15 month old dogs!!They need to start having a sheriff deputy at these puppy hunts to write drug charges and DUI's !!!!

Re: What is wrong with people?

Dont use the e-mail but would like to become a member. Not too sharp with e-mail sorry.

Re: What is wrong with people?

Here's what wrong with them GREED GREED GREED - there's the one and only answer to your headline question!

Re: What is wrong with people?

Pace Joiner
Here's what wrong with them GREED GREED GREED - there's the one and only answer to your headline question!