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Re: Mr. Leo Shelton passed away

Our hearts and prayers go out to the Shelton family from the Ingram's! And Brian you couldn't have said it any better than that, he will be missed very much! A true Foxhunter no doubt!

Re: Mr. Leo Shelton passed away

One the nicest men I have ever known. He loved this sport and would definitely buy a good hound if he saw one. Never heard a negative word come out of his mouth. Have missed seeing him around the last several years. Mr. Shelton you will truly be missed.

Re: Mr. Leo Shelton passed away

I was sorry to hear about the passing of Mr. Leo Shelton. I fox hunted with him off and on for many years. As Benny Canerday said, Mr. Shelton taught school and coached for twenty years before he owned the pharmacy. He enjoyed sports and also liked to squirrel hunt with a dog. The first year the Catahoula Game Management Area was opened for thirty days of dog hunting squirrels, I loaned him my squirrel dog. Mr. Shelton and Mr. Caskey hunted every day the weather permitted. When he brought my dog home he said he could tell me how many squirrels they treed and how many they killed but he wouldn't tell me how many times they shot. I never heard anyone say a thing about him that was negative. This man was the patriarch of a fine family and it was my pleasure to have known him.