book is open, so call for numbers. best time to call is early - 7 to 9 a.m. or late afternoon-6-8. if he miss you call, he will call you back. thanks, we hope to see each of you on nov. 2.
Charlie bailey, hope shane got with you on numbers. if not, let me know asap. I talk to him and he was having phone problems over the last 3 days. that was why you could not get him.
the pen is in good shAPE AND GAME IS RUNNING GOOD. get your numbers for what I think will be a good hunt. have plenty of yotes, gray fox and some red fox. come join us if you can.
Are you cooking Leroy or will we have to "brown bag" this Eight Hour? Do you need more judges? Who will be the Master?? Will see you about midnight so save a little pot roast, rice and gravy for me...
master of hounds--butcher man crain will handle it. we working on the meal. trying to get a cook to commit. we might need a few judges so if you can help, let me or shane know asap. should be a good hunt and hope for some cool weather like today. looking forward to some good running and seeing some good hounds.
I will be gone for about 4 days. if you need numbers call shane at 985-515-5459. he will get back to you if you miss him. he has book. I should be back on sunday. thanks.
Mr.Leroy can anyone Hunt Friday night or Saturday night at your pin? Are is it Booked? I'm at work till Thursday but thinking about going over there and running this weekend if its not booked.
keith, you can go Friday or Saturday. be there by 8 o clock. it is open to anyone who want to run. once everyone is there, everyone can decide when you turn loose. any questions, give me a call.
keith, either night is ok. if you are knock out after hunting, just lay down there in the camp and get you some sleep before heading back. that is a long ride.
I ran in this pen last night with Haskell Spires and Tiny Simmons . The pen is running excellent. Plenty of game . We had some hard running all night. This should be a really good hunt.
Mr.Leroy, I'm not going to be able to make it tonight. Butch Ebarb ran my Dogs Monday Night in Converse and they are just now starting to get over it. Butch said they had some outstanding running that night. Tell Shane I'm sorry for not being able to make it butt I will see all yall at the Hunt.
keith, I told shane you could not make it. we have had good running at the pen so you most probably miss out on a good race. see you at the hunt. have about 50 numbers out. look to have a good hunt.
Mr Leroy I really enjoyed the running Thursday night . We had some fine races all night. Saw game several times just moving around that the dogs were not even running.
chuck, glad you had a good hunt and good running. we are looking forward to the hunt on nov. 2. I think it will be a good one if the weather is good. look forward to seeing you. thanks to you for coming to the pen along with your friends. hope you put it on haskill.
guys, looks to be a good hunt. have around 60 numbers out. come join us on nov. 2. you can see what you are feeding because there will be some good hounds at the hunt.
Mr Leroy ran there friday night had good running all night it rained on us but it didnt stop the running i thank you and shane for letting me run in your pen. And will see you at the hunt.