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Saline County

Combine Kennels have put the word out to everyone coming to this hunt. Be prepared to do a lot of clapping cause they plan on taking the walk of fame many times during award ceremony! Is anyone coming that has the firepower to stop this? Stay tuned

Re: Saline County

One Word. EFIRDS

Re: Saline County

2 words. MOON

Re: Saline County

I say COmbine will win calcuta for lowest score first day

Re: Saline County

my sweetheart cody said he talked his finance man mikel into buying some dogs cause he wants his picture taken

Re: Saline County

Ester leave cody alone. hes married now and has a kid. Go back to jay and he will let you in his picture

Re: Saline County

Lets get the top 10

Re: Saline County

The Dial boys are packing with that ruger and lightning storm. Heard tilco went and bought him some culls up north just for this hunt hoping to get his name called. What about the other guys that get there name called on a regular basis. Hartwick, fras bro, Bubba and Tom, pilkington won it last year could it be a repeat and Frasier, boone and waldean. Cant leave them guys out. Puckett maybe even bring some of his culls on down. Combine boys been buying that high powered stuff coming to whoop everybody!

Re: Saline County

All we are gonna be doing is donating

Re: Saline County

When and where is this hunt?

Re: Saline County

I heard there was a lightening storm coming ??? Eye witness account seen him on the front end of some fast races in some fast company this past weekend

Re: Saline County

Cody baby you say we will be donating you got a mouse in your pockets you no mikel is the one spending the money love you

Re: Saline County

Cody baby you say we will be donating you got a mouse in your pockets you no mikel is the one spending the money love you

Re: Saline County

Them La Boyz are coming faster than a gunslinger to a knife fight!! We will leave Moon Light walking with no lights! And Lightning better have enough volts to run a flashlight, squee pigs breeders.

Re: Saline County

Who ever Ester is u can keep your mouth shut because u don't know what your talking about. Cody has paid half of every dog we have Bought

Re: Saline County

Don't tell me to shut up young man. I will go straight to that car lot and tell your daddy how your acting.

Re: Saline County

Me and daddy puck will be at DJs love shack behind camp and you better behave yourself and don't bother us

Re: Saline County

The apple don't fall far from the tree. mikel you and pops both have stud dogs now

Re: Saline County


Re: Saline County

I heard Tony and combine are into it over the stud dog .. Tony says they moveing in on his turf ..why dont they run them at the hunt winner takes the region !!

Re: Saline County

I love my boys but this fighting has to stop.

Re: Saline County

I sure hope Jay isnt fishing and can come down and visit me for 3 straight days again

Re: Saline County

I love my local boys but why cant yall be like efird and win

Re: Saline County

Herd the dials are scared cause it's not a one day hunt but little red better be scared cause we going clubing

Re: Saline County

Tony please don't drive that little blue Toyota to the hunt. I cant hardly fit in that thing anymore. we need a lot room when we riding. but lots of good memories in that little ride

Re: Saline County

What is a number I can call to get numbers for this hunt?

Re: Saline County


Re: Saline County

Here will be the top 10 (not in order)
Mr golden
Jerry fraizer
Dial boys
Frais bro
Mr boone
Marc cowart
Parker & Davis

Re: Saline County

Do you men not think my dogs will place I run mine longer hours than mikel mr Cody don't hunt at all

Re: Saline County

They're several guys you left out of that list that place there regular when they have hunts. Do the dial boys have a dog that can finish 3 days? Heard waldean sure placing dog passed away. Hartwick better hope for a miracle and the fras Bros are some lucky little fellows. Will fat boys kennel be there and so there dominance and parker/Davis will place something. Efrid will do pretty good in the derby but the all age is a toin coss.

Re: Saline County

The dial boys only running derby dogs. As far as all age the efirds will have same dogs they had at world cup.Never count the Corley boys out, they always tough.La boys will be packing some heat also.This is one of the toughest hunts in the country and good folks running this hunt

Re: Saline County

Ol daddy lightning and the 2 girls will be ready. The chicken farmer will do the chicken dance at this one

Re: Saline County

Lol we are only running in the derby, but they could run 4 days if I wanted.

Re: Saline County

Cause they're to slow to get tired, that's why they could run 4 days. If they are that good run in the all age and make a champion. Daddy and the girls better be ready the la guys coming to spread a little sunshine on the situation.

Re: Saline County

Can someone tell me the address to the pen
so I can put it in my garmen

Re: Saline County

5714 Grant # 25
Grapevine,Ar 72057

Re: Saline County

Mikel pick some dog feed up tomorrow I want are stud dog fat I mean your dog sorry buddy

Re: Saline County

Good luck to all the hunters at perry county. I wish my little cupcake would've took me but he don't like to run deer.but laying out at that lake would be fun. see you at the saline county.

Re: Saline County

I hear ester and cupcake got a dog with good mouth. they sa you can hear his mouth plum inside the love shack.

Re: Saline County

Word on the street dials are spending a lot of money to win this hunt

Re: Saline County

Mikel you didn't bring me no feed for or new dog and if you don't have these dogs in shape so I can get my picture made I'm joining up with the dials cause thay will spend money more than you do

Re: Saline County

Cupcake don't you worry about dial or combine. Me and you got bull. Dials aint bought nothing all they got is few old rugers. Combine aint got time to hunt. Its me and you cupcake. load old bull in that blue love wagon and come get me

Re: Saline County

Yes I have been buying dogs and will buy some more to win these hunts

Re: Saline County

I haven't bought nothing. Ester don't use my name.

Re: Saline County

**** talking cowards using fake names.

Re: Saline County

Stanley Jackson that's exactly what they are

Re: Saline County

We called them something else when I was in school, but there are ladies that read this site I assume. I bet they're the same ones that cry foul when they don't place a dog too.

Re: Saline County

I heard the dial couldn't get in a race with those little rugers, heard they went to fast dog country and bought the chicken farmer out. Its gonna be a lightning storm coming to grapevine!!

Re: Saline County

Also not true. Lol but thanks for the report weatherman

Re: Saline County

Someone made a funny! Lightning? Weatherman? Geez that's original!!! I ought not be picking on someone that simple minded though. That may be why they can't figure out how to get a good dog. Now I'm starting to feel sorry for him

Tell u what weatherman, post your real name and I've got a deer proof gyp that is fast and tough I'll give to you

Re: Saline County

Cody I hope you didn't forget to feed the dogs again today

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